
From Uncyclopedia test II
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Yes. I love this article, could have been so easy to fall into the offensive jokes and stuff. -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 14:14, 1 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)

Hey... I got an article about meh!!!--Adolph Hitler 01:42, 25 Yoon 2009 (UTC)

At least it's not offensive like the stuff you write. --T3 18:36, 25 Yoon 2009 (UTC)
As the scouse say T3; 'Caaaalm daaewn'!--Ben Blade 20:21, 25 Yoon 2009 (UTC)
'Calm down, calm down, eh, eh'. Nearly got beaten up by a scouse bloke on holiday after my little brother called his wife a wanker :P Luckily one of the guys nearby was a member of the TA, and he stepped in to help --JonTehSexyMofo 20:24, 25 Yoon 2009 (UTC)
Hahahahahahah your brother should have replied with the sacred words...--Ben Blade 20:37, 25 Yoon 2009 (UTC)


The IP who didn't find this funny probably likes boring stereotypes and really boring 1960s comedians. Take that foo! -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 17:04, 28 Serpeniver 2009 (UTC)