Talk:ITT Technical Institute

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Nice. Do you attend it by chance?--Colonel Sanders 15:30, 2 Jumbly 2011 (UTC)

No, I would never! It's the ads on tv that inspired me. I see these mouth-breathing, semi-literate morons claiming they've graduated from "college" and getting good paying, satisfying careers. It makes me wonder... are these the best examples of graduates they can come up with? Not very disGruntled - Exchange ideas 15:40, 2 Jumbly 2011 (UTC)
Probably, since they were the only "graduates". I mean, I'm mayor of a small town and I probably make more than most of those "graduates" do. Plus, all college really is anyway is drinking one's guts out and contracting syphilis in the illusion of actually learning something and getting a satisfying career just because you fall asleep in some old guy's "class" about water mitosis. It's a brilliant way for colleges to make money, though. But I never went and I'm smart! I can answer over 90% of the questions on Jeopardy!--Colonel Sanders 15:44, 2 Jumbly 2011 (UTC)
All good points.I am distinguishing here between real college and university education and the watered-down, credit-hour-filling private company that takes advantage of people who have no business at college/university. The idea of getting a bachelors degree from a technical school is ludicrous. They expecially prey on war vets. In the end, though, true smartiness can only be guaged by facility with Jeopardy. Not very disGruntled - Exchange ideas 15:51, 2 Jumbly 2011 (UTC)
Quite. But, those people need to do something with their lives besides flipping my daily Whopper, so they attend these "colleges" to get technological "jobs". In my town, there is no institute of higher edumacation, and all that. I mean, we only have a population of 5,000 and some cheerleading dunce asked me if we ever planned to order a technical college built. I told my secretary to escort her out of my office. Plus, what business does a cheerleader have in higher edumacation, let alone a technical college? I mean, why not work for Hugh Hefner? I don't see the value of inserting a technical college in any place, let alone a small town.--Colonel Sanders 15:59, 2 Jumbly 2011 (UTC)
We Americans are notoriously self-confident in our abilities and potential. In much of Europe, being a tech school graduate is useful and noble thing. Those folks don't feel the sort of inferiority many of us feel when we compare ourselves with the "intellectual" types, not realizing that it's not the school that makes you smart, it's what you have to start with and how much you can manage to squeeze out of your education, as best as you can get under your circumstances. It took me years to get my poor wife to relax around people with PhDs, or whatever. There are different kinds of people for a good reason. I was accepted to Harvard as a kid, but circumstances didn't permit. I still managed to become a bit clever, like you. Not very disGruntled - Exchange ideas 16:15, 2 Jumbly 2011 (UTC)