Talk:Nonsensical Table of the Elements

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This is the one and only fixed nonsensical table I created in this website! <Pipichy mah userpage!!!! talk:) Could somebody babble this article? <Pipichy mah userpage!!!! talk:)


This article doesn't display properly in Chrome. Please fix this, or I will sue you for furrsecution. -Galanoth 09:45, 19 Ergust 2009 (UTC)


I have a template problem with the Elements i may fix this later or some time. -File:BUBBLEGUM BALLS.jpg<Pipichy!talk 03:10 28 Ergust 2009 (UTC)

New Elements!!!!!

There are new elements upcoming in this table. 'Pipichy'''Talk 11:37,2 Serpeniver 2009 (UTC)
Bro, you don't need to update us on your progress in on the talk page :P —rms talk 03:37, 3 Serpeniver 2009 (UTC)

Why delete?

I don't understand why there's a VFD on this article. It seems fine to me. Please provide some kind of rationale. --Nerd42 05:40, 29 Jeremy 2010 (UTC)

as far as I can see it, this article was a dumping ground for mr. pipichy, a particularly humourless and irritating user that i was lucky enough to avoid. this is the kind of article that you would see on encyclopedia dramatica, not illogicopedia. (ps i didn't add the template but i agree with it) [1]MyMetalFaggletalk 06:38, 29 Jeremy 2010 (UTC)
True dude, but this article represents the pinnacle of Pipichy's work, his best and most literate article in his whole time on the site. I know that isn't saying much but at least it's better than 'i liek bubblegum'. Yep, it needs a huge cleanup but should it really be deleted? I'll take a Kleenex to the thing and let you know what I think via VFD. -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 11:37, 29 Jeremy 2010 (UTC)
Right, I had a quick go at making it a bit more respectable, but there's a major problem with the table formatting which I haven't looked into at all. The level of grammar in this article made me wonder if English is actually Pipichy's second language - after all, his name sounds French or Flemish or something. -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 11:54, 29 Jeremy 2010 (UTC)
This article is entertaining. I still don't understand why people were so hard on pipichy. Our site isn't supposed to be about literary genius, it's about having fun and writing whatever the heck you want. Pipichy clearly had a blast. Anywho, I don't think we should delete this, it looks a lot less cluttery now and like hindley said it's the pinnacle of pipichy's artistic career. --THE 20:27, 30 Jeremy 2010 (UTC)