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Chiefjustice is obsessed with fixing redirects? O_o <css> .nou a{ color:#000000; } .nou a:hover{ text-decoration: none; } .new a{ color:#cc2200; } .new a:visited{ color:#a55858; } </css>~ File:Pointy.png 06:54, 29 Jeremy 2011

In my experience, yes. --Gomphog 11:37, 29 Jeremy 2011 (UTC)
How odd. <css>

.nou a{ color:#000000; } .nou a:hover{ text-decoration: none; } .new a{ color:#cc2200; } .new a:visited{ color:#a55858; } </css>~ File:Pointy.png 15:28, 29 Jeremy 2011

(uncredited author responds)

Glad you liked my text. At some point I will spooon over the entire article. ^_^ ~ The Bard of Illogicopedia File:TinyQuill.gif 16:18, 3 Ergust 2011 (UTC)

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. --Witty Phantom 20:33, 3 Ergust 2011 (UTC)
Then plagiarism must be hero worship. Autograph, anyone? =) ~ The Bard of Illogicopedia File:TinyQuill.gif 22:10, 3 Ergust 2011 (UTC)
So your not going to strike him off your christmas card list? --Witty Phantom 22:50, 14 Ergust 2011 (UTC)
Nah. It's fine. He's agreed to send me one of his kidneys. Should fetch a fair price on the black market. ~ The Bard of Illogicopedia File:TinyQuill.gif 23:31, 14 Ergust 2011 (UTC)