Talk:Thoughts While Reading T3canolis's Article "Thoughts While On a Roller Coaster"

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D'oh 14:05, 7 Aym 2010 (UTC)


You are a genius. I literally was laughing aloud while reading this (which I rarely do to writing). Everything was so perfect. I do not have the craziest sex life (unfortunately) and it wasn't about World War II. It's hilarious how EVERY line works with sex. I'm still laughing... --T3 22:37, 7 Aym 2010 (UTC)

hahah I'm glad you liked it! And yeah I was surprised by how well the sex thing worked. Shame the phrase "Loop-de-loop" didn't end up in your article anywhere, because that would have worked with sex amusingly well too. --THE 00:12, 8 Aym 2010 (UTC)
Hehe. Like my summary said, those were my thoughts on one of the rides (Gwazi, if you want to get technical) but other than that it was awesome. Who said you can't have fun on school-field trips, huh? Anyway, I'm off to play massive amounts of Call of Duty with Illogicopedia's most beloved user that I will regret after waking up at 11:30 tomorrow. Yep. --T3 02:11, 8 Aym 2010 (UTC)