Talk:Tourette's Syndrome

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This article is originally from Uncyclopedia; the original text has long-since been destroyed with unfunny additions. The original history of this page is that a user had replaced the text of Tourette's Syndrome with this, only to have random expletives inserted in this fine "how dare you claim Tourette's to be a string of random expletives?" rant:

Moved from the article

~~ Moved to discussion, where it belongs: A Polite Note to the Author: I am 17 years old and have Tourette Syndrome. I do not find your article funny or amusing in any way, and I would like it removed or changed as soon as possible.

Let me tell you about Tourette Syndrome:

  • Less than 20% of Tourrettes sufferers swear. You can blame television for always focusing on the bad side of a terrible thing.
  • The main symptom of Tourettes are involuntary muscle spasms, or "tics" which can range from head nods, to a small knee jerk.
  • Tourettes is no laughing matter, it causes children to be bullied at school for something they cannot control, and it has even caused teenage sufferers to become manically depressed and commit suicide.
  • There is no cure, and the drugs that are available to "calm" the tics often have adverse side efects. In fact, I once took a drug called "hanna perodol" which caused my entire body to go numb and basically made it worse than it is without the drug.

I am an active member of a tourette syndrome association and I am making steps towards eradicating the public view of Tourettes as a "swearing" disorder, because it is much much more.

I am sorry for "hi-jacking" your entry on uncyclopedia, but it is stuff like this that really annoys me. i am working towards a better future for all tourettes suffers, and you can do the same by editing this article. Remember, everything here is meant to be funny, and making fun of a horrible disorder is not funny at all.

Thank you for your time. Adrian

- Thats right, just remove my plea because you are a sick person who finds it funny to make fun of horrible disorders. You are a SICK person. If you had Tourettes and someone made fun of it you would not laugh. Do people make jokes about cancer? No. So don't make fun of disorders, there are people who suffer from disorders every day, and that is not funny.

Since you did not change the article from an insult to humour, I put it up for deletion.

Oh, quit whining. Liberals hate articles making fun of liberals; schizophrenics hate articles making fun of psychos; Baptists hate articles making fun of Christians. Get the fuck over yourself.
I am a 4-year-old Baptist and I have no legs. You bastards go right ahead and make jokes--What do you call a legless Baptist in a swimming pool? Bob! But I'll see you all in hell! It's not funny! Don't make jokes! You despicable mockers! You wouldn't make fun of the Prime Minister if he had a cold, would you? Is that a jellyfish coming out of Tony Blair's nose? No, it'snot! Quit mocking people's disabilities and their mucus. Snot funny.
Lets see if anyone has made jokes about cancer, yep looks like they have.--User:Elvis/sig 17:03, 30 Sep 2005 (UTC)
Why don't we also take down all the Jesus articles? They offend Christians. You know what? Let's just take the entirety of Uncyclopedia down because I'm sure that every article will have at least one person on the planet who will take offense to it. Tip: Don't take the content on Uncyclopedia seriously. --Nintendorulez 01:16, 5 Nov 2005 (UTC)

I'm not whining, I'm trying to correct people's views of Tourettes because in most cases it is flawed. If the article contained no swearing (because its not directly associated with tourettes) I wouldn't mind. You can make fun of the twitchiness if you want, but if you are going to focus in on one very minimal aspect than the majority of sufferers DONT have then there is no point calling the article "Tourettes Syndrome" when a much more truthful title would be "coprialia" which is what the involuntary swearing is called! So, you could mention that coprialia is a sympton that "some" sufferers have.

But amigo, if you come to Uncyclopedia in order to present straight, wellsir, it appears you have a slight misunderstanding going on. ;)
Good point the very fact that an Uncyclopedia article lampons Tourette's could be considered proof that this is not an accurate reflection of the conditon, I suggest you eithier go massivly overboard with the current style or rewrite it to something completly different, for instance off the top of my head, claiming that suffer's of Tourette's are the people that follow bands round a country going to every night of a tour (although I'm sure you could think of something better) --User:Elvis/sig 02:49, 2 Oct 2005 (UTC)
I think the current article is much funnier. Let's go with the "massively overboard with the current style" part. --Nintendorulez 01:16, 5 Nov 2005 (UTC)

Ok, problem solved. I started the re-write that Splaka suggested and its going well. It should be finished (my contribution anyway) in a few days!

Rewrite? I spent a lot of time on the current article. Why must the admins delete almost all the stuff I contribute? </whining> --Nintendorulez 01:16, 5 Nov 2005 (UTC)

Its funny how everyone who is offended by our articles fail to realize that this isnt Wikipedia --Nytrospawn 01:41, 5 Nov 2005 (UTC)

Agreed. --Nintendorulez 20:33, 5 Nov 2005 (UTC)