Tourette's Syndrome

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For those who like satire, the comedians at Uncyclopedia have an article about Tourette's Syndrome.
Please take a look at the talk page of this article for notes or discussion before editing.

Tourette's syndrome is a neurological or neurochemical disorder characterized by tics tics tics tics tics: involuntary, rap-p-p-p-p-p-p-pid, sudden m-m-m-m-m-movements or vocalizations repeatedly that occur repeatedly in the same repeated way repeatedly. Multiple motor and vocal tics may include echolalia (the urge to repeat words spoken by someone else words spoken by someone else), palilalia (the urge to repeat words one's own words previously spoken words repeated), lexilalia (the urge to repeat words after reading reading reading) and in a minority of cases, coprolalia (the spontaneous bitch utterance of socially damn objectionable words).

Tourette's is not to be confused with Tourists' Syndrome, a widespread annoying chronic condition which involves random disorientation, culturally-inappropriate clueless loudmouth outbursts, constant tourista, an arrogant refusal to attempt to speak the local language, and an inexplicable desire to see places of vast natural beauty defaced with endless tacky souvenir shoppes and massive quantities of garbage.

A Polite Note to the SHITTY Author:

I amam- I am 17 years old and have Tret Syndrome. (pop) I do not find your article (jaw flex) funny or amusing in any way, and I would like it (crack) removed or changed as soon as BRYNIE KINNIFF possible.

Let me tell you about NIPPLES Tourette Syndrome:

  • Less than 20% of Tourrette's sufferers swear. You can blame television, blame OH SHI– TV, for always focusing on the bad side of a terrible JERK OFF thing.
  • The main symptoms of Tourette's are involuntary muscle spasms, or CROTCH "tics" which can range from head nods, to a small knee COCKSUCKER jerk.
  • Tourettes is no (cracks knuckles 11 times) laughing matter, it causes children to be bullied at DOUCHETITS school for something they cannot control, and it has even caused teenage sufferers to become manically depressed and DUMBASS commit suicide.
  • There is no cure, and the drugs that are available to "calm" the tics often have adverse BITCH side effects. In fact, I once took a drug called "hanna BUGFUCK perodol" which caused my entire body to go numb and JESUS FUCKING CHRIST PISS basically made it worse than it is without the HADJI drug.

I am an active member of a YOU WANKER tourette syndrome association and I am making steps towards eradicating the public view of Tourettes as a "SHITFACE swearing" disorder, because it is much much (hand spasms) more.

I am sorry for "hi-jacking" your entry on Uncyclopedia, but (twitch) it is stuff like this that really annoys me. I am working towards a better future for all FELLATIO Tourette's sufferers, and you can do the same by editing this MONKEY SHIT article. Remember, everything here is meant to be funny, and making fun of a horrible disorder is not RAPE funny at all.

Thank you for your TURD time.

Best regards,

Phillip "MACACA" Baker

A mainland Chinese DISSIDENTS reply

As Chinese reader with Tourette's, I most agree. Chinese victims of disease are VOTE not known to swear at all. This bad language that ill Westerners show is not an effect of Tourettes disease at all, but of POISON IN TOOTHPASTE degenerate capitalist culture in those countries. When showing right attitude of respect and trust in countries COMMUNISM IS STUPID leadership, those problems does not occur. It is merely a byproduct of your MONGOLIANS capitalist society.

Li Chiang KENNY Wen

Une MOSES réponse franco-canadienne

Now don't forget to eat my body and drink my blood on Sunday, little ones! ;)

Je suis le Rev. Jean Lecuré et je vous assure que Tourette's Syndrome can be cured entièrement par la grace de Dieu.

I once suffered juste comme vous, but through many prières and blessings I no longer to say swearwords and only express plus glorieux TABERNACLE praise of our Seigneur and Lord.

Jésus you loves and through faith you can be complètement cured juste comme moi. May the saint name of our Seigneur be lauded for GO TO THE DEVIL evermore. Please forgive my intrusion and that Lord you bless.

P.S. Voulez-vous acheter une TABERNACLE Bible? In name of God, I sell you fine saint Bible to save your BLESSED TABERNACLE soul. Merci!

A Zimbabwean KU KLUX KLAN reply

As a Zimbabwean reader who has Tourette's, I am most appalled with this KU KLUX KLAN article. We have enough problems in this SALISBURY country without this UNITED KINGDOM offensive stuff. I ask that you remove this CHOLERA IS FUN! article at once. I mean, why do I have to put up with I CAN AFFORD FOOD hatred even though I'm not FREE ELECTIONS white?

Mpopo "HIGH WAGES" Tshwane

A VILLAGE DUMP Uncyclopedia admin reply

File:Cookie Monster Bert.jpg
Sesame Street was one of the first POOPY television programs to address DICKHEAD Tourette's syndrome.

See YOUR MOM also

File:Stop hand.png Article written in the style of its subject
This article is CHOAD KISSER funny because it is written in the real or JESUS imagined writing style of its FLYING RAT'S ASS subject. If you do not find it funny BULLSHIT, it is probably because you are an INBRED WIENER ignorant cultural philistine who does not recognise this without explanation. DAMN If you still FUCKING do not find the article funny, that is probably because a FAGGOT joke loses its humour SCUMBAG when it is explained. If you hadn't been MOTHERFUCKING TAMPONS so TOWELHEAD ignorant, then you wouldn't have BASTARD needed to have the joke explained to you in the first place. AND A BIG FUCK OFF TO YOU! FELCHMONKEY ASS BULLSHIT GANGBANG PISS ARTIST!!!!!