The French

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The French

File:Franceflag.png File:France.png
(Flag) (Coat of Arms)
Motto: "Vev la idiots"
Anthem: Yeah - Usher (French)
Capital Love
Largest city New Paris
Official languages Swedish
Government Free for all insanity, Stat!
Prime Minister {{{prime_minister}}}
National Hero(es) Joan of lark(bird0
Currency I don't give a @$&#$%@&#
Religion Buddhism
Population Too many to count, yet to few to care
Area Size of Chuck Norris' fist
Population density Denser than a Denso Sard Supra
Ethnic groups Gays
Major exports Baguettes
Major imports Cats
National animal ???
Favourite pastime ???
Opening hours ???
Internet tld .???
Calling code ???

The French are an interesting people found in a distant African country. Known to be gay, which is actually incorrect because France has a larger female population.

The Famous French

French Llama
  • French Llama - the founder of the French National Llama Association(FNLA)
  • Sir Issac French - The inventor of the three laws for making baguette.
  • Tom French - Main actor in Mission Impossible: Going to France, Mission Impossible 2: Living in France, and Mission Impossible 3: Leaving France
  • Chuck 'French' Norris - Chuck Norris's lesser known brother who inverted the karate chop.
  • Wolfgang Amadeus French - Composer of Fur French


  • Large plot of land
  • Courage
  • Time
  • Oh ya a French Flag

See also