The Ultimate Story You Will Evur Hear 2

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And so it continues...

Flub Nugget was watching a TV show when a brick crashed through his newly polished window. "Hey!" he said. Flub Nugget got up, looked out the window. He saw Doodad, his evil dog, standing there with a pile of bricks. "What's the big deal?" said Flub Nugget. "I hate you!" said Doodad. "You turned against ME Doodad! ME!". Doodad picked up a brick, dipped it in some mustard , and threw it at Flub Nugget. It smacked him right in the face. "AHH!!!!!!!!" he screamed. "You know I hate mustard!". Doodad chuckled in that insane laugh he has and said "This is payback!". "I need your banana for it gives me POWER!!!!" he screeched. Then in what must've been a nanosecond Doodad sprinted into the disease infested jungle with Flub Nugget's banana!

Flub Nugget was confused. How did Doodad get his banana? He did not know but he knew that his banana was inside his litter box. Just to make sure he went into his house and sniffed the litter box. He picked up the scent of the banana! Meanwhile in the disease infested jungle, Doodad was dragging his butt around in a patch of peanuts clutching the fake banana which was melting. He screamed "WHY!?". His rump was covered purple fourtune cookies. "Ahh! I have Purplechinesecookie disease." .


Back at Flub Nugget's place Flub Nugget was dancing on his coffee table singing R&B tunes. "Oooo! La! Lets go to the disco!" he sang. Then, he sensed a disturbence in the force. His dog was in danger! Flub Nugget knew that Doodad was evil so just to make it safe he took his banana and stuck it in his earhole. Doodad screamed "Aye carumba!". Out of no where a pack of man eating capybaras wielding rusty razor blades ambushed Doodad. "Put me down I don't like to be man handled!" he yelled. They took him to their great leader. "Welcome Doodad, I am your father!!" he said. Then he took off his mask and revealed his face. It was Sponge Bob!!!!

Suddenly Flub Nugget burst in. "What the heck?!" he said. "You evil, evil sponge!". Doodad looked up. "What do you want from me?" he yelled. With an annoyed look on his face Sponge Bob took out an AK-47 and shot Doodad in his paw. "Owwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!". "Why would you do something like that???!!!??!!?????!!!!!" he bellowed clearly in pain. Flub Nugget saw his oppurtunity and took it. He jumped on Sponge Bob and kicked him in the head. The man eating capybaras poked him in the head. Flub Nugget took Doodad and ran away. Man and dog now lived happily now, except for the occasional feud over who get's what end of the basket. Euww.