Tony Blair

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Tony Blair
Tony Blair
Deputy: John Prescott
Nationality: British
Term of office: 1994 – 2004
Preceded by: Glass of orange juice
Succeeded by: Monsters that live under your bed
Date of birth: ?/?/1875
Place of birth: Albuquerque
Date of death: --
Place of death: America
Wife: Jennifer Ellison
Political party: New Labour

Tony Blur is fast. He is so fast he is faster than a slug. And that's a souped-up Cuban speed slug we're talking about here, not just your run of the mill garden type.

However he is in no way as fast as John Prescott at a wedding party when the DJ announces that the buffet is open.

However he is in no way as fat as John Prescott at a wedding party when the DJ enquires as to what happened to the buffet.

See also

File:FaSide giftedschool.jpg
The boy Tony, showing his famous quick-thinking