User talk:Flyingidiot

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Template:Wikify <css> body { background-color: #C1C1C1; background: #C1C1C1; } .pBody { background-color: #C1C1C1; } .portlet { background-color: #C1C1C1; }

  1. ca-edit {

background-color: #C1C1C1; }

  1. p-cactions li a {

background-color: #C1C1C1; -webkit-border-radius:10px; -moz-border-radius:10px; }

  1. p-cactions li a:hover {

background-color: #C1C1C1; -moz-border-radius:10px; color: lime; }

  1. p-cactions li {

background-color: #C1C1C1; } .selected { background-color: #C1C1C1; }

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background-color: #C1C1C1; }

  1. content {

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  1. mw-dismissable-notice {

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  1. ca-talk {

background-color: #C1C1C1; }

a:hover { color: lime; text-shadow: #6374AB 20px -12px 2px; }

a { color: green; } .portlet background-color: #C1C1C1; } </css> Hey there, and welcome to the Illogicopedia! Some nice articles you've already written there, looks like you'll fit right in here if you decide to stay and contribute to the madness. Please don't hesitate to check out the forums, the blog, chatroom etc. all accessible by the handy (and on some days footy) sidebar on the left there, right next to the fridge freezer. Additionally, if there are any sticky buns in the fridge, they're mine and require payment for consumption. Apart from that, take whatever you like as none of the rest is mine. Cheerio for now. -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 17:10, 5 Octodest 2009 (UTC)

Hey there. you look like a promsiing new user. Like the articles. keep it up. :-) -- Ragglefraggleking Is Eating Your Bagels 22:57, 5 Octodest 2009 (UTC)



RE: New_Message

"New Message" - My_Username,
Hi My_Username,


RE: Hi_My_Username.2C

"Hi My_Username.2C" - Flyingidiot,
Hi Flyingidiot,


"Click the Quote tab to copy the response from the template you clicked.

" - Username
New Message


RE: New+Message

""New Message" - Your Username,
Hi Your+Username,

reply–›" - Username
New Message


RE: New Message

"New Message" - Your Username
Hi Your Username


RE: Hi Your Username

~ Hi Your UsernameYour Username

RE: Hi Username, I love your nuts

~ Hi Username, I love your nutsnn


you're sorta like ol' pip but less annoying, less image spamming, and less obsessions over old uncyc jokes. anywho, i like your attitude around here. keep up the good edits :D —rms talk 05:38, 8 Octodest 2009 (UTC)

Sorry for any inconvienience , but I really can't be arsed to think of a witty title.

Srsly, You are the best newb we've had in ages! You outshine that twat pipichy by a golden mile. I think you've ran away with the IOTM next month.

Also, your wikicoding skills are worryingly good :P --Ben Blade 20:13, 8 Octodest 2009 (UTC)

Yes, they are disturbingly good. Also, you do outshine pippy by a golden two miles. Or a mile. Whichever is longer. Preferabbly, I like them in yards. Anyway! DO YOUR BEST! And don't do like pippy. I always forget to put my sig --File:Penguin-chick evil.jpg Dxpenguinman, the Penguinman ...He's e-vile! Talk Got An Idea? GAMESHOW! 10:32, 14 Octodest 2009 (UTC)

[ Gibberpedia]

Hi! Recently, a small bunch of Illogicopedia editors have branched off to make a side-project called [ Gibberpedia]. Now. We don't know much about wikicoding. And this is where you come in. Because you are one of the most code-educated on the wiki I'm inviting you to help with the wikis layout. Just two notes: Things (including the sidebar) are made to make NO SENSE WHATSOEVER ; and leave out things like the forum and the logo which us admins are planning to work on. You will need to sign up for a wikia account.

Thanks--Ben Blade 20:31, 22 Octodest 2009 (UTC)

Thanks a lot for helping, i'd ask Bob about the server thing, hes head admin.--Ben Blade 21:12, 22 Octodest 2009 (UTC)


Hai hai hai .. ~hai Self Indulgence


your user page makes w3c a sad panda --Nerd42 04:35, 12 Jeremy 2010 (UTC)

Some things

  • Templates, no need to go ape making zillions of them for everything :/, please keep personal templates to username subpages. If you expect other people to use your templates, don't make yourself the default, make the template tell people they need to put their name into it, thanky.
  • Don't SUBST templates! They don't need that, almost every template i see you use, you subst it, even your signature. I had to wade through miles of your signature and template code to try and vote on something in vff, so much so it made me come here to type this first, before voting. So please stop using Subst and fix up your signature so it doesn't blather your signature code over the pages.
  • No link to your talk page on your userpage makes seppy angry, it only made me anger while trying to find it from your signature.
  • Round corners look gay on everything except firefox, so please stop plastering them everywhere. Webkit and IE either can't render them, or do a horrible job of doing so. We don't all use the leaky tap that is firefox you know.
  • Not enough butts
  • Gaytank?

Some things to think about. Our Two cent's, from skype. --<css> span.seppysig{



span.seppysig:hover .visible{



span.seppysig .invisible{



span.seppysig:hover .invisible {


} </css>Silent Penguin 00:27, 15 Jeremy 2010 (UTC)

Ooh, sounds like you've been bollocked, FI. -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 13:44, 16 Jeremy 2010 (UTC)


Hey, wassup? I wanted to know if it was you that sorted the problem of the redlinks on the individual pages. If so, thanks a lot! We've been looking into that for... ages... but couldn't ever do it. One minor problem - now the vote boxes seem to be duplicating themselves, as demonstrated here. Can you, in all your wisdom, shed any light upon this matter? Cheers. -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 13:41, 16 Jeremy 2010 (UTC)


Hey, I just want to reiterate what SilentPenguin said a couple headers up. It's really nice to know you mean well, but all these templates are really getting in the way of everyone else. Please keep templates to a minimum, because where you think you're helping you are now actually starting to hinder. I don't want there to have to be any repercussions, so please give me and seppy a listen. And thanks for being a regular contributor to the site dude :) [1]MyMetalFaggletalk 19:02, 19 Jeremy 2010 (UTC)


you're back! stay this time, will ya —rms talk 01:40, 15 Yoon 2010 (UTC)



I am candidate to administrator of UnMeta and UnCommons and I would like to have your support here. I have good references from CartoonistHenning. --Helder Oliveira 23:53, 19 Ergust 2010 (UTC)


Are you flyingfeline, by any chance? Presently not disGruntled - Exchange ideas 07:07, 21 Octodest 2010 (UTC)