User talk:Romartus

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Hey, welcome to Illogicopedia! To be honest, I'd be happier to say that if you didn't describe us as "humour-free trolls". :/ [1]MyMetalFaggletalk 13:18, 7 Jeremy 2010 (UTC)

I am undertaking an investigation for the Department of Comparative Humour , University Challenge, London. So I have asked to pitch a base camp tent here whilst I consider the peaks (and troughs) of Illogicopedia from a closer vantage point than Uncyclopedia. I won't call you humour free trolls here as that would be rude. What is your preferred Monica ? --Romartus Imperator 13:26, 7 Jeremy 2010 (UTC)
Interesting idea; though the main points of Illogicopedia are not founded on humour in any way, there is some present here. So what you are saying is that you will freely insult Illogicopedia on Uncyclopedia (bearing in mind that it is something of an Uncyc sister wiki) but will not here? I'm not going to pretend I am in any way happy with that, but if you are here to make a positive contribution to the wiki then you are perfectly free to, and I shan't object. I'm known on here as "MrMetalFLower", though you know me better as "Fag" from uncyclopedia. I am an admin here, so if you wish for help you may consult me or any of the other admins on here. Have you any questions about our site? :) [2]MyMetalFaggletalk 13:46, 7 Jeremy 2010 (UTC)
I don't normally insult anyone and the troll comment was before I knew much about this website. So as I am here and also there, it would be rather dumb of me to insult this site. If I was in that mood I would think that was more apt for Encyclopedia Dramatica..unless you work there as well. Still, my point was I wanted to check this site out and see how it works. I admit I am not sure I will like it on Illogicopedia but I did prefer your Toilet Duck story - especially as it was so much better than my hack on the same subject back on Uncyclopedia. --Romartus Imperator 17:55, 7 Jeremy 2010 (UTC)


Yeah hi, we don't huff on length as a general rule here. If that's what that thingy you thinged meant. I just woek up. 13:29, 5 Jumbly 2010 (UTC)

Thank you Mr IP dude! Can I quote you on that? -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 18:35, 5 Jumbly 2010 (UTC)
WHERE DID YOU COME FROM, WHERE DID YOU GO? WHERE DID YOU COME FROM... Romartus? eh? that doesn't fit --(ƒî)» 04:21, 6 Jumbly 2010 (UTC)
From Uncyclopedia where I have lived since 2008. I have popped in here a few times and then tried my hand at some illogic you like to promote in here. Still don't think it's for me but as I am on a one day sabbatical thanks to Admin TKF , I may redirect some ideas here instead in future - if they, of course, fit in. --Romartus Imperator 16:07, 13 Jumbly 2010 (UTC)


Oh, hello. It'sa me Gomphog from uncyclie. --Gomphog 15:04, 28 Serpeniver 2010 (UTC)

Hello Gompy. They are bit laid more back in here but try and not do any bad stuff can you! Keep all the stuff you like doing to your own pages where you will be left alone. --File:Crown1.jpgRomArtus*Imperator (Orate) 16:25, 28 Serpeniver 2010 (UTC)
Traffic warderns have the most twisted and deprived mind in the hole of the human race. I bet they get a sadistic, sexual pleasure from fining people. Gomphog 17:21, 2 Octodest 2010 (UTC)


About the uncyclopedia user Copycat, that was me. I used your sig and re-directed my userpage to your's. Gomphog 17:22, 2 Octodest 2010 (UTC)

I worked that one out Gompy after I was alerted to the situation by another user. It was all in the history you see. Anyway don't do it again with me or anyone else there - or here - OK? If you want a website that is really just a vandal hole go to wackypedia or ED. You've been unbanned by Mordillo at Uncyclopedia, just don't get into trouble again because you will find that no one will want to invite you back! OK? Good. --File:Crown1.jpgRomArtus*Imperator (Orate) 15:48, 4 Octodest 2010 (UTC)
My Gomphog or 'Gompy' account has been premenatly 'shut down' from uncyclopedia... err... but next year I will make a new account. Gomphog 22:08, 16 Octodest 2010 (UTC)
Are you surprised? Really Gompy you have been a complete idiot in there. I will be very surprised if they let you back as someone would have to 'stand bail' or put up money in your support. Now behave whilst you're here or the admins at this site will drop kick you out as well. --File:Crown1.jpgRomArtus*Imperator (Orate) 17:04, 25 Octodest 2010 (UTC)
I happened to read Aleister's page over at Uncyclopedia. So you have banned from Wikipedia too?? Oh dear....--File:Crown1.jpgRomArtus*Imperator (Orate) 19:02, 25 Octodest 2010 (UTC)
Well I am sure you won't give up trying out different socks over there but you are wasting your time. --File:Crown1.jpgRomArtus*Imperator (Orate) 17:01, 3 Novelniver 2010 (UTC)
Indeed. <css>

.nou a{ color:#000000; } .nou a:hover{ text-decoration: none; } .new a{ color:#cc2200; } .new a:visited{ color:#a55858; } </css> ~ File:Pointy.png *shifty eyes* (talk) • (stalk) -- 20101103 - 17:52 (UTC)

Why am I wasting my time? -- I know, read: [3] --Gomphog 11:42, 4 Novelniver 2010 (UTC)
You are. Goodbye Gompy. --File:Crown1.jpgRomArtus*Imperator (Orate) 12:04, 4 Novelniver 2010 (UTC)

Zsaxnks ulfkrid`rek

Me AKA zim AKA batmoose, primary dwellin grommet of the 6 directions... chronic replacement replacement. Not very disGruntled - Exchange ideas 20:00, 25 Novelniver 2010 (UTC)

Hi Zim. Spike said you were over here. I only pop in now and again, not really geared for writing off the wall stuff that this site prefers. I guess what you said means something but I won't ask for a translation! Good to see you again all the same. --File:Crown1.jpgRomArtus*Imperator (Orate) 21:03, 30 Novelniver 2010 (UTC)
He said he is the hexadirectional replacement of the replacement, continually replacing himself with a batmoose... as in, him. Because he's a batmoose. Or something. Does that help? <css>

.nou a{ color:#000000; } .nou a:hover{ text-decoration: none; } .new a{ color:#cc2200; } .new a:visited{ color:#a55858; } </css> ~ File:Pointy.png AthyriaLyrithyaIsarra *shifty eyes* (categorise) • (create) • (upload) • (argue) • (dream) •(talk) • (stalk) • (block) • (acronyms)VFFFIIotMAotMTSROotPGSPRRWAMWAEQDVFDVitalAfC500TLA -- 1 Ditzimber 2010 - 01:06 (UTC)

I'm sorry you can't grasp what I'm trying to accomplish here, Sir Romartus. If only you ccould, they you'd be... well, you'd probably be sorry and all your friends would abandon you. Nevermind, be grateful. As to Athyrias explanation, she's right but she left out the the part about the calling stack (it sings!). Cheers! Not very disGruntled - Exchange ideas 17:12, 1 Ditzimber 2010 (UTC)
Oh... the singing was that? Crap, I am losing it... <css>

.nou a{ color:#000000; } .nou a:hover{ text-decoration: none; } .new a{ color:#cc2200; } .new a:visited{ color:#a55858; } </css> ~ File:Pointy.png AthyriaLyrithyaIsarra *shifty eyes* (categorise) • (create) • (upload) • (argue) • (dream) •(talk) • (stalk) • (block) • (acronyms)VFFFIIotMAotMTSROotPGSPRRWAMWAEQDVFDVitalAfC500TLA -- 1 Ditzimber 2010 - 18:42 (UTC)

Yes, the stacks call as they sing "Hosanah in the Highest", didn't you know? You're not losing it, it's just that it sounds like some sort of machinery. An easy mistake. Not very disGruntled - Exchange ideas 20:41, 3 Ditzimber 2010 (UTC)
Not sure I am any the wiser Gruntled (or Zim as I know you At Another Place). But I am glad to see happy! --File:Crown1.jpgRomArtus*Imperator (Orate) 13:05, 3 Ditzimber 2010 (UTC)
Zim is fine. I am zim in many places and times. Gruntled, only here. The batmoose thing is the thing to pay attention to. I am not happy, but I continue to exist... puzzling. In all cases, I am glad to see you. May your capybara flourish. Not very disGruntled - Exchange ideas 20:41, 3 Ditzimber 2010 (UTC)
*hugs you both, though only within acceptable bounds of wikitext* I love you guys. Like flitting dreams, you are, all full of... of big things. Big sofa-y things. Big sofa-y things that make life worth living. <css>

.nou a{ color:#000000; } .nou a:hover{ text-decoration: none; } .new a{ color:#cc2200; } .new a:visited{ color:#a55858; } </css> ~ File:Pointy.png AthyriaLyrithyaIsarra *shifty eyes* (categorise) • (create) • (upload) • (argue) • (dream) •(talk) • (stalk) • (block) • (acronyms)VFFFIIotMAotMTSROotPGSPRRWAMWAEQDVFDVitalAfC500TLA -- 3 Ditzimber 2010 - 22:27 (UTC)

Processing... hug accepted and returned... good feelings becoming predominant... It's always lovely to have some nice friends, eh? Cheers to y'all both. Not very disGruntled - Exchange ideas 05:48, 4 Ditzimber 2010 (UTC)

It's a Square Circle

I think I will have take something to write in here. Extra strength, Yorkshire Tea perhaps. --File:Crown1.jpgRomArtus*Imperator (Orate) 20:20, 5 Jeremy 2011 (UTC)

Looks more like a circular square. You could also try not sleeping. Or would that do it? <css>

.nou a{ color:#000000; } .nou a:hover{ text-decoration: none; } .new a{ color:#cc2200; } .new a:visited{ color:#a55858; } </css>~ File:Pointy.png 14:30, 6 Jeremy 2011


What do you think of Obsessive-Compulsive Man? Perhaps we could calab? --Gomphog 21:56, 23 Jeremy 2011 (UTC)

Not interested and I see you are sockhogging again over at Uncyclopedia. --File:Crown1.jpgRomArtus*Imperator (Orate) 07:32, 15 Farbleum 2011 (UTC)
..and here. --File:Crown1.jpgRomArtus*Imperator (Orate) 17:47, 15 Farbleum 2011 (UTC)

Just Checking In

Thought I'd drop by and see if my old room was here. Excellent! --File:Crown1.jpgRomArtus*Imperator (Orate) 19:57, 22 Arche 2012 (UTC)

*hugs Romartus in an attempt to make him too heavy to leave* My preciousssss! <css>

.nou a{ color:#000000; } .nou a:hover{ text-decoration: none; } .new a{ color:#cc2200; } .new a:visited{ color:#a55858; } </css>~ File:Pointy.png 16:43, 23 Arche 2012