User talk:Up User

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Hey there, and welcome to ?pedia. Have this complimentary stick as a sign of welcome. If you need help, the template below has a few useful links...

Welcome to ?pedia! Hope you enjoy your stay. Please leave your nouns in the locker room
(behind the the door marked "LOLCHEESE")

So anyway, this is a pseudo-official greeting from a user who may or may not be a admin/sysop/werewolf, so here come the obligatory links to pages to help you out and tell you "Don't be teh vandal kthx":

  • Our beginner's guide is here
  • If you want more info on ?pedia, 'tis right here, and in case you've come from Wikipedia, Uncyclopedia or some other "humour" wiki, we also recommend that you understand how ?pedia is different from other wikis
  • A less sensible explanation of our beloved 'pedia is here
  • Our general disclaimer is not here, but here --> LOOKIE
  • Don't be afraid to visit us on IRC

The rules, such as "ROFL KILL THE BABIESN'T PLZN'T (notn't)" are here. People breaking the rules will have a koala thrown at them, and may also possibly receive a Chinese burn.

So, that's it all for now... Please be nice, make great articles and help contribute to our community in any way possible: e.g. template making, voting for articles or users, et cetera.

~ The Illogicopedia Welcoming Committee


- on The Illogicopedia Community on welcoming new members

So, yeah. Don't be bad and whatnot, hope you contribute in any way you can. See you around!--File:Sig.png (Talk) (Contributions) 21:09, 8 Novelniver 2010 (UTC)


Insane by me You that's Very cool. --Up User 05:12, 28 Novelniver 2010 (UTC)


Have you seen a walking mop bucket, by any chance? <css> .nou a{ color:#000000; } .nou a:hover{ text-decoration: none; } .new a{ color:#cc2200; } .new a:visited{ color:#a55858; } </css> ~ File:Pointy.png AthyriaLyrithyaIsarra *shifty eyes* (categorise) • (create) • (upload) • (argue) • (dream) •(talk) • (stalk) • (block) • (acronyms)VFFFIIotMAotMTSROotPGSPRRWAMWAEQDVFDVitalAfC500TLA -- 29 Novelniver 2010 - 20:37 (UTC)


I know this may seem strange, especially in a place such as this, but this is a community and there are actual people here, so please, be reasonable, at least in interaction. Wandering around trying to confuse people, creating pages just to see if an administrator will delete them, voting for your own images repetitively and then attempting to feature them yourself, these only cause more work for those around, and subsequently I must ask you to stop that.

Be nice, eh? <css> .nou a{ color:#000000; } .nou a:hover{ text-decoration: none; } .new a{ color:#cc2200; } .new a:visited{ color:#a55858; } </css>~ File:Pointy.png 17:51, 14 Ditzimber 2010

So Madness, He he he i'm not Mad Athyria. Up User 05:36, 17 Ditzimber 2010 (UTC)

Wot, you'd try to pull the mad gig on me? On ME!? Do you know who I am? No, seriously, do you? Because I don't. <css>

.nou a{ color:#000000; } .nou a:hover{ text-decoration: none; } .new a{ color:#cc2200; } .new a:visited{ color:#a55858; } </css>~ File:Pointy.png 05:38, 17 Ditzimber 2010

Crikey, stop that! Stop making pages with {{QD}} templates on them, and whatnot! That's silly. <css> .nou a{ color:#000000; } .nou a:hover{ text-decoration: none; } .new a{ color:#cc2200; } .new a:visited{ color:#a55858; } </css>~ File:Pointy.png 05:54, 17 Ditzimber 2010

Check new Add-ons Homepage

Damn it's Zamboni yet. --Up User 00:59, 19 Ditzimber 2010 (UTC)

I Soon Added my Account, --Up User 00:59, 19 Ditzimber 2010 (UTC)


Or whatever.--File:Sig.png (Talk) (Contributions) 04:27, 28 Jeremy 2011 (UTC)