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WHERE'S YPUR COOKIE is a term first coined by Dark Tater which he used when interrogating The Magic Genie of Shoelace Tape Rolls. Now we tell the tale.

Dark Tater raised what he thought was his fist but was actually a dead cat.

The tale

Dark Tater approached the blue genie in the Destructo Ball Planet Cookie Killer's interrogation room. "Hello you ignorant rat of a mint chip," he said. The rat of a mint chip who was sitting in front of the genie quivered, insulted. He scurried out of the room after shouting various comebacks. "Commander, make sure he is terminated in his bed. In front of his family. And serve him as dinner to his family as well! That will teach him to mess with Dark Tater!" said Dark Tater to a short man in the corner. As the short man hobbled off Dark Tater took off his black glove. This revealed another black glove. "What the...?" He took off this glove to discover a turtle. "What filth," Dark Tater spluttered as he ate the turtle.

Turning to the genie he raised his fist. Well it was what he thought was his fist but it was actually a dead cat. "Ginjee my boy! Take Mr.Snuggles back to the freezer," he said to his son. Ginjee somberly retrieved Mr. Snuggles and departed from the room. Again he raised his fist to the genie, this time being his real one. He pointed: "Your time is up." The genie, half asleep murmured: "Bling jing wing ding." Clearly not amused Dark Tater angrily scratched a panda until he slapped a carrot. It was no use.

Frustrated to the point of constipation, Dark Tater spied a blue remote on the ground. Puzzled, he took it in his hands and pressed a button. The world around him paused. "Woah!" he said. Dark Tater stood on the small table before him and let loose a devastating fart right in the genie's mouth. Little did Dark Tater know that the world was not actually paused. The genie licked his lips. "Beef stew?" he asked. Dark Tater suddenly chucked a potato at Ginjee who had returned from the freezer. "AHA! I GOT YOU!" Dark Tater screamed. Just then the panda stabbed Ginjee in the eye, killing him instantly. Ginjee's remains turned into dust, which the panda began to eat.

A llama appeared to shoot Happy Feet in the foot.

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Clearly pleased with himself Dark Tater returned to his interrogation. "Now do you see what I am capable of?" he squealed with a crazy look. The genie sighed. Dark Tater, on the brink of insanity acclaimed with a mighty voice: "WHERE'S YPUR COOKIE?!?!?!" The genie smiled. He unzipped a zipper on his neck to reveal his true form; it was a big penguin. "Happy Feet?" asked Dark Tater. Just then a llama appeared and shot Happy Feet in the toe, severely injuring his dance moves.

Dark Tater thought to himself: "I'm losing it." Then an elephant sat upon Dark Tater, killing him instantly. Seconds later, the commander returned from the termination of the rat of a mint chip. He looked around. "Hm. Now where did I put my nachos?" He walked past the panda, Ginjee's bloody remains, a llama, a bleeding Happy Feet, and Dark Tater's crumpled body to the corner, where his nachos were. The commander left the room with a calm expression as if he had seen nothing, enjoying his nachos.

And that is the tale of WHERE'S YPUR COOKIE.