Wood Run

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  This article is quoted from a chatroom somewhere. 
<James-001> wassup?
<SilentPenguin> not much
<SilentPenguin> just me and flameviper
<SilentPenguin> hes hacking apart wikipedia as we speak as he just got unbanned
<James-001> ahhhh...why?
<SilentPenguin> dunno, kicks?
<James-001> hmmmm...well, i'm having fun playing whack-a-vandal on wikipedia
<SilentPenguin> maybe you could whack flameviper then
<James-001> hehehe
<SilentPenguin> gtg now
<SilentPenguin> bye
* SilentPenguin has quit ("going to [Insert Lame Excuse]")
<Flameviper> hello
<Flameviper> just got backk from a long-ass walk
<Flameviper> james-001?
<James-001> hi
<Flameviper> yo
<Flameviper> just carried a LOT of wood a LONG way 
<James-001> sorry, looking around wikipedia...
<James-001> why?
<Flameviper> it's great excersice though
<Flameviper> and actually accomplishes something...
<Flameviper> wow
<James-001> ...what a revelation ;)
<Flameviper> well...
<Flameviper> there's an abandoned house a mile down the road form mine
<Flameviper> and it's got loads of good boards inside it, just laying there
<Flameviper> so I walked there with my dog (not the best idea)
<Flameviper> and filled my sack with chunks
<James-001> ...dog had to make a..."pitstop"?
<Flameviper> lawl. that's not what i meant
<Flameviper> i filled my sack with chunks of wood, silly
<James-001> ...hmmm...and why would you do this??? is it snowing where you are?
<Flameviper> no
<Flameviper> I'm building backings to my basement stairs
<Flameviper> and need wood to build them with
<James-001> oh, so you just take the wood from the shack...instead of going to the hardware store?
<Flameviper> the hardware store doesn't sell wood, and besides I don't get any money :(
<Flameviper> someone ought to log this crap
<Flameviper> I will
<Flameviper> bye now