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A website givingfffffffffffffffffffff[link title[link title[link title[link titlelink title]]]] away free ipods in return for

No srsli Y?

fffffffffffffffffa) moffffffffffney
bfffffffffffffffFile:Fffffffffffffffff)ffffffff refferffffffffing freinds to do the same fffffff

I like to eat eurostars, lolwut?

fffffffffffffff{| cffffffffflass="toccolours" width=100% style="clear:both; margin: 0; border:none;" |- ! styfffffffffffle="bffffffffffffffackgrffffffound:#ffffee; border:none;" |  Visit [hggggggggggggggggggggttp://ggggggggggguncyclopedgggggggia.org/wfffffffgggggggggiki/Talk:Euroipods http://www.eurfffffffffffffffffffffffoipods.com] today for yours! |- vaffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffflffffffffigffffff="top"

<div claffffffffffffffffffffut euroipods? (You would, wouldn't you?)

[[Image:Euroipods1.jpg|rig At euroipods.com, our goal is[[http =ffffffffffffff=Howffffstribution center is located in the heart of Uzbekistan, well within range of passing American helicopter gunships.ffffffffff Consisting of three wheelbarrows and a small goat, this ultramodern euroipods.com facility can ship up to five iPods per day directly to your door! Many shipments even include postage! And if anyone ever asks, we never even heard of you!

Our customers agree!

  • "This company purchases iPods from the Apple Store directly.... as well as boosting sales from iTunes... Apple are more than happy to have tfffffffhis company give out free iPods, I received one myself - it worked a treat! Flogged in on eBay mind you, for 200 quid! No complaints from me!" - Oscar, US
  • "I signed up for allffffffffPod so my shithead friends wouldn't get one either." - Hrodulf, USA
  • "I got mine just before Christmas.....my friends love the shiny blue and gold stars....I can't rate it high enough" - Mhafffffffille, Liverpool

fffffff fffffffffffffffff

  • "Immensetyrduly elegant quality! Remarkably foxy packaging. Breathtaking delivery. A++!" - Su, Iowa

tr u

  • "With super-saver shipping I was able to get my free iPod from euroipods.com within just 24 weeks, and it only cost 200 quid! But still, I thought they were shaped more like, you know, pods? Anyway, it tasted funny, but I managed to keep it down through dessert, at least." - Krishna Murthabarium, Bangalore, India
  • "When I received my free iPod, I opened the package with excitement, mixed with fear. Indeed, not merely fear, but raw, stark terror! For I imagined that deep within the depths of the innocently-labeled box there lurked an unspeakabituryuyly ancient evil whose nightmarish malevolence spanned the boundaries of time and space, to reach into my mind, i tyumy very soul, and plunge my existence into irretrievable, hellish blackness! A piercing, mind-numbing cold gripped 7y imy heart as I extracted the horrid, malignant contents and laid them before me on the examination table... It was then that I realized that it was actually... an MP3 player!" - H.P. Lovejunk, Arkham, Massachusetts, USA

tryi t://www.example.com link title][link title]]sked! And if anyone ever asks, we never even heard of you!

//www.example.com link title][link title]]sked! And if anyone ever asks, we never even heard of you!
//www.example.com link title][link title]]sked! And if anyone ever asks, we never even heard of you!
//www.example.com link title][link title]]sked! And if anyone ever asks, we never even heard of you!
//www.example.com link title][link title]]sked! And if anyone ever asks, we never even heard of you!
//www.example.com link title][link title]]sked! And if anyone ever asks, we never even heard of you!
//www.example.com link title][link title]]sked! And if anyone ever asks, we never even heard of you!
//www.example.com link title][link title]]sked! And if anyone ever asks, we never even heard of you!
//www.example.com link title][link title]]sked! And if anyone ever asks, we never even heard of you!
  • "The fiffffghover and over again might break it, but it came through like a trooper!" - Donnie Kong, New York, NY, USA
  • "If euroipods.com didn't exist, it would be necessary to invent pointless, bitter, futile arguing over worthless trivialities and made-up principles that couldn't possibly be applicable to the real world. Also, free shipping would be a nice invention." - Billie Joe Voltaire, Paris, France
  • "I asked abofffffffffffffffut it, but they never even heard of me!" - Willie Horton, Tijuana, Mexico


  • "This new free (sort of) iPod reminds me of tables... tables as thin as a contemporary look, all in all, jazzy jazzy, chairffffffffs with figured vests in wrought stripes, Paris jazzy, Paris green, black table, iron legs, wine sketches, bamboo jazz interlocking in cold, coldjazz love. Yep, that's what it reminds me of all righty." ~ F.K. Curtain, Swindon, UK

[[imfffffffffffffffffffffffage:Gfffffffffffffod Hates Euroipods.png|thumb|A Random User, Uncycloland, Earth

  • "ffffffffffffffffFeatured!" - R.C. Murphy, New Orleans, LA, USA
  • "Euroipods is awesome! All I had to do was give them $250,000 and one of my kidneys, and I got an iPod for free! Thanks Euroipods, you guys are the greatest! - Insy, Sometownyouhaveneverheardof, KS, USA

SMALL PRINT BELOW (don't look.)

*Testimonials are not free.ffou]] onfffy pay for the shipping!**
<nowiki>**ffffffff</ffffnowikifffffffd handffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffling.***<bfffffr>
<nowikffffffff>ffffffffffff**ffffffffffffffff*<fffffs offffff


fffffffffsticffffffffffffffffffffffffffual value: $-0.ffffffffffffffff0039), which is fortunate because you probably need them, badly. We are also in no way responsible for anything whatsoever, nor do we assume responsibility for the foregoing statementfffffffffffffffffffffffffff that says we are not responsible for anything whatsoever, which includes this statement that we're making right now.

fffffffffffffffffffffected by pointless, petty, nasty, mean-spirited, ugly, emotionally disturbing, vulgar, hateful, divisive, insane, (did we mention "petty" yet?) stupid, incoherent, malicious, cheap, narrow-minded, pusillanimous, despicable, incoffffffffffff note entirely that if you edit this article, even to correct spelling mistakes, you will be blocked from editingffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff hours are over, you will, in all likelihood, be sysopped. At that point, you might as well just cfffffffffommit suicide.

ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff==For ffffffffffstill more highly usefffffffffful iffffffffnffffffformation:=fffffffff=fffffffff ffffffffffffffffffffffff 'Euroifffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffpods (video game)HKN Donut StandBlah, Blah, Blah &bfffffffffull; Euroipods Crusadefffff • NeuroipodsEuripides


And as if all that wasn't inexplicable enough:



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