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“I love MP3's! They let me send freedom to Japan... or whatever that slanty eyed country with nukes is... hehehehe... pie.”

- George W. Bush on on MP3s

MP3 stands for Music Played by 3 midgets, and describes a product, marketed by Bill Gates and Gandalf to make music free for all! YAY! The MP3s themselves are manufactured by Steve Jobs, as part of yet another collaberation between Apple and Microsoft for the good of mankind. Seriously don't those guys get tired of teaming up? It's getting annoying... Anyway... of course, the RIAA (Rich Isengaurdites Are Assholes) eternally battle to destroy this ultimate manifestation of Freedom (TM).


More recently a number of opportunistic companies have been established which sell music in the MP3 format. This practice is legal, and directly contravenes the intent of the music indus... dark elves. It should be noted that all music in MP3 format is legal, and that attempts by the evil dark elven nation (read: RIAA) to sue people for using MP3s will result in a final battle for Gondor, during which that hot blonde you wanted from the movie will totally sleep with you. Me too to. And probably you too, if you was me.

Facts and Issues

MP3's cause cancer in Dark Elves, hence the seemingly illogical drive by the RIAA to destroy them. However they cause humans to transform, much like Pokémon, into jackasses who won't pull out their earphones to talk to you! And then... when you find the notes to the other women... he calls you a slut and tells you he had AIDS!!!!!


This pirate is getting ready to steal some MP3 files

MP3 was developed as an alternative fuel source by Presidente du commander George W. Bush for the eternal lights of Freedom (TM), which would otherwise consume the souls of several million african children per second. The "Wire" in Limewire actually refers to the wire used to collect the power generated from the orgasmic bliss of listening to Superstar Kevin Federline's songs, providing enough power to keep freedom burning for a loooooong time. You can stop shovoling those Iraquies into the generator boys, it's covered. Although methods such as these are proven to work with low costs, the statement "stop stealing my mp3's!!!" was reported by Osama Bin Playing Music.


MP3 is not the name of a song by Peter Gabriel.

See also

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  but Illogicopedia loves random stuff
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  • LAME - It ain't what it's name says...