Zee Frogs
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Frogland. Note the giant frog, just to indicate that it is Frogland, and not an explosion in a paint factory.
Zee Frogs (also known as Zee Frrhogz) are an endanagered species of You're-a-peein'. They live in Frogland, also known as Prance. They live south of a giant sleeve and north of a giant lake. They enjoy hopping around, and they cannibalise other frogs that are not Zee Frogs.
Zee Frogs speak a language known as "Franglais". This is a bizarre combination of Prench and English. It goes something like this:
- Customer: Je voudrais un...uh..."newspaper"...Anglais..."Daily Mail"!
- Newsagent: Daily Mail! Vous monsieur, êtes un bâtard!
- Customer: AAAAAAAAA!
The customer then engages in a little shoplifting.
Anotherpongo engages in a little article whoring.
Zee Frogs have a huge weapon that they refer to as "Le Bomb Atomique" or "Le Grand Bomb". This is their sole weapon, and they use it against anyone who calls them frogs, even though that's what they ar...