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You go to the toll gates and pay your car in order to pass through the mountain of cheese, heading henceforth to Illogia. You pick up a hobo and he joins your party. You find out his name is Sosa. You go through the Wind Tunnel and Miroku punches you, but you throw a rabid three eyed squirrel at his face. You are lead through the forgotten realms by the Super Mystery Troll, and you fight the boss of hell, Ayami Hamasaki. She causes everryone but you to asplode, and you lose several vital organs, but then she eats yo soul because you are only a Level 2 Vipermancer.


hidden in this field of Qs is a magical secret entrance into a world where your dreams come true FIND THE ENTRANCE _______________________________________________________________________________________________

Even if you have a huge sword as part of your anatomy and pure silver fangs, Ayumi has to pwn yo during this part of the adventure because I am teh shiz and you order me as pizza that you can't eat. Next, you run, leaving your party behind like a sissy coward. You find out to beat Beagle Ayumi Hamasaki, you must sing the Bohemian Rhapsody. You do, but then Black Mage comes and Hadokens you. Onloy then are you saved by Ms. Betty Bazongas. You stare at the jiggle as the two of you head through Subbuteo.

Before you can say random battle, Fjord attacks. He turns into Michael Jordan and smashes you with a basketball. Then eats yo soul and turns into Utada Hikaru, and Betty turns into Ashlee Simpson's sister (My name is Ashlee!). You lose and yo adventure ends. But you wake up inside The Big Cheese's office. To live again, you must beat God at poker. You do, and God hits you with a bolt of lightning. You die again and endup doing this until Stahn takes you under his wing, then eats yo soul and turns into Ayumi Hamasaki. Then you wake up without a soul and switch classes to an Ikeamancer, but then you find you can't wield beds correctly, only planks. You decide these are faster so you use them anyways. You drink some Coca Cola and get a coffee headache, butt hen you realize you were drinking. Ayumi Hamacoffee.

You choke and fall to the floor, only to be revived by Mr. Hobo. He then tells you your path as the Disco Lord, and for you to usurp Famine. you go to Disco Heaven to fight him, but George Bush, his secretary, shoots you with a shotgun. Considering what you've been through, you should be able to survive this, but you don't. then Tony Montana comes and kills him, but Tony Montana is killed by Famine. You revive yourself and fight him, but lose all your Mojo. Then Famine's mojo possesses your mum and you die again. But she cannot handle thed mojo and explodes, destroying the world.. or did she?

You then end up on a floating island fighting Famine, and you focus your chi and Hadoken. Fear not, for your chi takes the form of a Fart Blast and destroys you, Famine, and the universe. But all is not lost, for Fnord comes and bestows upon you Evilrobotclonanthropy, so you can live. But then you insult Silent Penguin's admin skillz and he gives you a massive Chinese sunburn.

The end.. or is it?

You wake up as a hostage to the administration. They tell you of their babbling plans of administration and cheese, destroying enemy wikis with merciless eeble sonk. They tell you of their plots to legalize fart blasts, and to plong, mong and thong Uncyclia. They tell how they will destroy the Computer God.

But then, they realize they have to keep you silent. So, they brainwash you and accept you among their ranks. You begin to Cackling quack mad, and copyright everything in sight. Soon, Wikipedia's forces of hope show up, but they failed. The faithful Illogians could not be stopped, and Wikipedia became a wasteland. Then, you regain your memory piece-by-piece, in sync with Uncyclopedia's destruction. But when the admins realize this, they shoot you down. Boss battle time!

The forces of the internet unite against the werewolves, and combine, to make you become Tonumastarwarskidcatssephirothfnordchronarionjimbowalesorarabidinuyashafangirls. In this form, you turn the world into a video game and give the werewolves 1 HP each, but the game's built in Complete Ordinary Fire to Fire Enigma Eragon (or COFFEE) makes them uber strong to compensate for this. This results in you being killed by a lowly cheese. But then Ayumi Hamasaki comes and defends you, before stealing yo soul. She defeats the werewolves, but then you end up back at the toll booth, and hobo rejoins your party. But then you find that the werewolves are not dead.

Hobo: Somebody set up us the bomb!
You: What!!
Hobo: We get signal!
You: Main screen turn on!
Flameviper: Hello. How are you gentlemen. I am a wannabe admin.
You: What go on!!
Flameviper: Silent Penguin come!!
Silent Penguin: You have no chance to survive make your logic. Ha ha ha ha...
You: Cheese damnit!
Hobo: (explodes)
You: Take off every article!
You: For great justice!

Your base explode!

Your base have exploded, but article have take off for great justice. What to do next? Flee to Ohio, that's what. You become a farmer whilst at Ohio, and go under the identity Cletia as a girly girl. Ha ha ha. In any case, when this is over, you are using your rake to tend to the leaves and cheese plants, when ninjas attack!

NOOO! Ninjas!

Of course, these guys are gonna flip out and kill. So, it's time to CHARGE YOUR LAZORS!!!1, and by that, I mean, rake their eyes out. You fight them in extraordinary battle scene involving telephone wire, tabasco sauce, sweet ninja swords, raked eyes, stepping on potatoes, and eating cheese to restore your health. You pay your car to get the hell out, but all 90 ninjas go into their single Volkswagen Beetle and let out some gas, launching a giant nuclear fart blast which hits Knigston... again. But you cannot kill Strawberryclock!! so, you must instead fight the ninjii one by one. The first one you bribe with cheese, same with all the others, except their leader Gutentag, who speaks with a German accent and is the only surviving German ninja. So, you fight him and his band of merry German ninjas, except since there are none left, you pwn him. Then Gackt comes and eats yo soul and steals yo kidney, before God punishes you for eating beer, rather than drinking it, and a squirrel breaks your leg. You lie in a crumpled heap on the floor... again.

So, a new story arc, EH!!

You wake up in.. Canada! You know this by the sounds of Eh filling your head, eh? In any case, you'd much rather be back in America, but this ain't quite possible, eh? So, you go to Britain instead. End story arc!

So, a new story arc, chap?

Pretty much like Canada. moving on... But you cannot kill Strawberryclock!! meaning, you cannot leave. So you fight the AOL guy to get out. But this is not possibly, for he disconnects you. This is the suxors, so you have lost. But you are not in a crumbled heap like last time. Instead, you endu p in the officer of Dr. Van Schneider, also know as Dark Scheidner, and he is asorceror. But he casts Megadeath on you. There. NOW you're in a crumbled heap. Happy? I knew you would be. Because you can now kill Strawberryclock!! You fight him in a boss battle, and do what the FF6 characters couldn't; kill Strawebrryclock!! and get out of Britain.

Or do you? You end in the Big Jim's palace. You try to call for help, but are unsucessful. Instead, you summon up the royal forces of Subbuteo, who are promptly keeled. But all is not lost, for you cannot kill Wikipedia, nor what is hardcore, so a dancing kitten survives the blast and helps you fight off Britain. But still, you have to pay your car to help. You pay your car and get to Knigston. Why you'd want to be there, who knows.

I am at tae Knigston, ol' ale aneyone?

Rubble and stuff. Y'know, like what you made out of the ninjas. But still, there's lemonade stand. You feel thirsty, so you buy one. But you end up knocking yourself out and waking up in the Knigston Military Base, with Bananaclock. He decides he's mad you killed Strawberryclock!! so he arrests you and throws you into Penguin Prison. But since you're not a penguin, that can't be done and he's sent to Banana prison, in America.

The final reaches of Explosm

Explosm, also known as France, is your final destination in this adventure. The reason you're here is to learn how to beat Ayami Pastrami, Ayumi's final form, who cannot be killed like Strawberryclock!!. So, you cast Candy on Explosm, causing the Tombe of Souffles to be revealed. Upon adventuring inside, you eat a mighty pancake which teaches the spirit of pancakes to teach you the Pastrami Attack.

Exciting closure

Wikipedia finds out if you use the Pastrami attack, you'll destroy the universe, but it's too late when they arrive. You use the Pastrami attack, destroying everything but Illogicopedia and you. You make paradise. Awesome. closure. end.

Fighting the Jackson

You end up learning you're in a RIFTS in space, and you must fight the dragon to escape from the merciless ebil sonk. But the penguin planned ahead. In this TRUE final form, you must fight the admins. And I mean seriously. Fight them. How do you do that, you ask? Simple. You need a [[Potion of Pwnage]]. But you don't know where to get one. So you head to, after some point in eternity, a city.

Stereotypical city

You arrive in the Stereotypical city, which is stereotypical. as well as neurotypical. But this arc is supposed to be about Fighting the Jackson. But everyone knows you can't do THAT. so let's get off the subject. You meet up with your arms dealer and buy a Potion of Pwnage.

Drinking the potion

You feel like having your head smashed in by a lemon wrapped around a gold brick. Then a gold golem appears and uses a slice of lemonsword to fight you. You promptly lose. I mean, c'mon, it's like fighting sheep. And you feel that this article needs pictures, but the admins protest. a kitten does too, and God, Earth, and George Bush all smite you. You die. Again.

Neurotypical city

You wake up in a neurotypical city.

You leave Illogicopedia.

You fight spambots!

Spambots OMG

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OMGOMG. want some vigra.. 4 cheap... lol secretaryhave fun good.. click for free* holiday. plz for me... how are you, claim free $500,000. webpronews lol. need some stuff. OMGOMG. want some vigra.. 4 cheap... lol secretaryhave fun good.. click for free* holiday. plz for me... how are you, claim free $500,000. webpronews lol. need some stuff. OMGOMG. want some vigra.. 4 cheap... lol secretaryhave fun good.. click for free* holiday. plz for me... how are you, claim free $500,000. webpronews lol. need some stuff. OMGOMG. want some vigra.. 4 cheap... lol secretaryhave fun good.. click for free* holiday. plz for me... how are you, claim free $500,000. webpronews lol. need some stuff. OMGOMG. want some vigra.. 4 cheap... lol secretaryhave fun good.. click for free* holiday. plz for me... how are you, claim free $500,000. webpronews lol. need some stuff. OMGOMG. want some vigra.. 4 cheap... lol secretaryhave fun good.. click for free* holiday. plz for me... how are you, claim free $500,000. webpronews lol. need some stuff. OMGOMG. want some vigra.. 4 cheap... lol secretaryhave fun good.. click for free* holiday. plz for me... how are you, claim free $500,000. webpronews lol. need some stuff. OMGOMG. want some vigra.. 4 cheap... lol secretaryhave fun good.. click for free* holiday. plz for me... how are you, claim free $500,000. webpronews lol. need some stuff. OMGOMG. want some vigra.. 4 cheap... lol secretaryhave fun good.. click for free* holiday. plz for me... how are you, claim free $500,000. webpronews lol. need some stuff. OMGOMG. want some vigra.. 4 cheap... lol secretaryhave fun good.. click for free* holiday. plz for me... how are you, claim free $500,000. webpronews lol. need some stuff. OMGOMG. want some vigra.. 4 cheap... lol secretaryhave fun good.. click for free* holiday. plz for me... how are you, claim free $500,000. webpronews lol. need some stuff. OMGOMG. want some vigra.. 4 cheap... lol secretaryhave fun good.. click for free* holiday. plz for me... how are you, claim free $500,000. webpronews lol. need some stuff. OMGOMG. want some vigra.. 4 cheap... lol secretaryhave fun good.. click for free* holiday. plz for me... how are you, claim free $500,000. webpronews lol. need some stuff. OMGOMG. want some vigra.. 4 cheap... lol secretaryhave fun good.. click for free* holiday. plz for me... how are you, claim free $500,000. webpronews lol. need some stuff. OMGOMG.

You die.

How many times does this make?

Oh, right. This time you wake up inside the game Adventures of a Pringle. Except you're one of the bad guys, not the pringle. As you stir awake, you see that Mr. Original is getting ready to pounce you while cheddar will trounce you with bad breath. Luckily, you have some Listerine, which gives you icy fresh breath. Annihilating these wimps, you jump off the giant desk which you're on and fall to your doom. Well, not doom, but you do sprain your ankle. Anyways, you're dressed in a ninja suit. In a spark of creativity, you say "HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHOI CHA!" And you are infuriatified by a burst of power. A black blur, you kill everything in the game world before getting tired and going to sleep.

Teh Apocalypse

You wake up inside a barricaded building, with various couches, tables, and other items stuffed. A portable generator runs nearby, and several other people are here with you in this derelict building. You hear the moans of evil zombies. The survivors tell you to take your pistol and go...

Admin (movie) | Adventure | Alcoholics Anonymous