Barack HUSSEIN Obama and the 2010 Midterms

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All hail the Messiah, Obama, Obama! Bow down and praise the One! Give him your liberty, money and guns!

WASHINGTON,D.C. - Many sources indicate that Barack HUSSEIN Obama is working to overthrow democracy in the United States before any possible Republican gains in Congress during the 2010 midterms. Obama has done many dictorial things, such as force BP through a dictatorship to give $20 billion to help cure the oil spill they caused. Newt Gingrich also correctly states that regulation of the financial industry has made Barack HUSSEIN Obama our democratically elected communist leader.

Comrade Obama claims that Obamacare was passed to give 30 million Americans health insurance. That is a boldfaced lie, as our sources tell us. WRONG! all rational people know that Obamacare is a scheme of death panels to kill of the elderly, disabled, and the gravely ill. They are denied care due to preexisting conditions and are forced to die as liberals want us all to die. Yes, liberals like Communist-in-Chief Obama are liberal fascists who want us to die. Much like Hitler, Stalin Obama wants to bring eugenics in play with Obamacare. He thinks that humans are a virus infecting the world, thus demanding forced sterilizations and abortions to kill us off the face of the earth. Obama hates us all.

The economic stimulus, as our most trusted source tells us, was designed to crash the economy by spending our money and giving it to a bunch of liberal pet peeve projects such as exotic ants, "healthy" crap, and teh Preps. This useless pork project did absolutely nothing to help the American economy and Comrade Obama used it to assert his position as our dictator.

Destroyer Obama also decided that us, his subjects, should not enjoy good food options like McDonald's, and should be forced to eat crap like celery and carrots. What Dictator Obama fails to see is that wasting away the American people by eliminating its food source and replacing with crap ain't gonna cut it. His czars suggest that all Real Americans be killed off due to their resistance to his radical agenda.

Today, Vladimir Lenin Obama decided to declare his dictorical status during a White House press meeting. The except we snagged from the meeting is real

“...America, we have made progress. But, the idiots at the Tea Party who cling to faith and to guns are not allowing us to make more by propagating the American voter during this midterm election. So, I Barack HUSSEIN Obama declare myself Dictator of the United States of America. Now, I order you, my subjects, to give kids celery instead of candy during Halloween. And when Obamacare takes effect in 2014, have them sterilized or I will send the brownshirts to your residence...”

So, Comrade Obama owns us, his subjects now. This article is the last refuge against his evil self. This article is true information.