Did U know?

From Uncyclopedia test II
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...that desks arr for holding things?

...that Digimon is a digital monster?

...that people who are obsessed with pies are mostly fat?

...my grammar and spelling suck?

...that Pokemons are fake?

...that my friend still thinks wrestling is real?

...that I don't know who Lord Caz is?

...that Batman isn't a bat but a human?

...that Superman isn't that super?

...that Spiderman is fake?

...that Hulk is green?

...that bananas are yellow?

...that I am fake?

...that I made an article: "Did U know?"

...that the tree which dropped an apple on Newton's head has a name called ALICE?

...that Alice is in wonderland?

...that Peter Pan is not a pan?

...that I'm not funny?

...that I'm insane?


...that ... is before that?

...that Toroshi is a Japanese name?

...that jijibubu?

...that blah the blah?

...You suck suckity suck your lollipop?

...that chickens are stupid to cross the road?

...that I cross the road but I ain't a chicken?

...ducks are nice?

...that girls are normally aliens?

...that slapping hurts?

...that Hotmail isn't hot?

...that I forgot what I was gonna type?

...that I just remembered?

...that I forgot it again?

...that frog princes arr fake?

...that I just noticed that?

...that forks are sharp?

...bleach is a Manga about cleaning people such as Ichigo?

...that I'm running out of ideas?

...that penguins can't fly?

...penguins are evil?

...that hunterXhunter is hunter^2?

...this page is illogical?

...that this site is awesome?

...that 2*2=5?

Is it true?

...that illogicopedia articles must be illogical?

...that illogicopedia articles must be stupid?

...that penguins are evil?

...that 2*2=5?

...that I'm running out of ideas?

...that forks r sharp?