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Engelbrecht was a Swedish lad

And a Swedish lad was he.

Upon one day he woke up dead

And then alive was he.

These lines evoke in us all a sense of good Swedish pride and dignity, and no one can truly claim that they have never dreamed of becoming oranges only to have those dreams come crashing down around them. Prominent psychologist Doctor Apocalypse says that this is because, because, because, because, because... because of the wonderful things he does! However, this claim and all others like it are still unverified, as if the Spanish monarchy didn't have enough of the terror which consumed them... a Balrog of Morgoth! And then... Craig Marion!

And so the fire was frozen to ice, but if I had to perish twice, I think I know enough of hate to say that ice is also great and would suffice. But forever is an awfully long time to wait for the bell to ring, so your best bet is to ditch class and get a job. And so it came to pass that the Countess, who once bathed in the rejuvenating blood of a hundred virgins, was buried alive. But who is alive who was not once set on fire? The answer, of course, is no one. Now auf wiedersehen to thee, my friend, for I must sail to the world's end.