Foot Propaganda

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You may have been searching for the day my foot stole my communist propaganda and hid it from my mum!

Foot Propaganda is a rich and creamy part of history that everyone should have the fortune to gain knowledge about. With such valuable, interesting information, there is no way people will be able to untape themselves from all of the foot propaganda posters that are required to be taped on them! Take, for example, this history-loving fatso, who gained a dire interest towards modern and archaic foot propaganda to such a degree that he has<css> /*Written by Silent Penguin

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span.censtext{ text-color:black; background-color:black; padding:1px; } span.censtext:hover, span.censtext:focus{ text-color:black; background-color:white; padding:1px; } </css>n't left his house in four years to stop himself from overworking to the point of death because he has so much fun:

Spiffing the ol' spiffy, yes'm.

Foot Propaganda has a dark and murky history, due to constant criticism, attacks, and hatemail from people (often white) who think it is just short of wrong, but still almost wrong enough to go into the "hatemail these things" category. However, other such devotees have spent time adoring the propaganda and getting engulfed by its subliminal messaging and other various forms of brain consumption[1].

“Don't forget the moderates! We need attention, too!”

- Moderate

<css> /*Written by Silent Penguin

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span.censtext{ text-color:black; background-color:black; padding:1px; } span.censtext:hover, span.censtext:focus{ text-color:black; background-color:white; padding:1px; } </css>Moderates also have some sort of stance on the issue, too. Moderates? What the heck are those?

A bleak History

And you shall be saved...

The invention foot propaganda is often associated with the communists, probably due to the fact that they invented it people like the phrase "communist propaganda". This, however, is a falsehood: It was invented by the Soviet Union in 1957, who have nothing to do with communism. In fact, communism is just a myth and doesn't even exist, right, Sally? "You bet!"

The real invention of foot propaganda started in the late 60's by <css> /*Written by Silent Penguin

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span.censtext{ text-color:black; background-color:black; padding:1px; } span.censtext:hover, span.censtext:focus{ text-color:black; background-color:white; padding:1px; } </css>communist scientists in Sweden, who had stumbled upon a poster that had feet, money, and text reading "will walk for cash"[2]. Research was prompted, and seventeen leading Swedish scientists made ground-breaking leaps and bounds in the area of feet ideology and history. They also invented foot propaganda when the beaker full of poison landed on the poster. The rest, as they say, fell off a cliff <css> /*Written by Silent Penguin

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span.censtext{ text-color:black; background-color:black; padding:1px; } span.censtext:hover, span.censtext:focus{ text-color:black; background-color:white; padding:1px; } </css> including the scientists.


“Foot propaganda is<css>

/*Written by Silent Penguin *Free to use under CC-BY-NC-SA *If you need to steal it, god help you. */ span.censtext{ text-color:black; background-color:black; padding:1px; } span.censtext:hover, span.censtext:focus{ text-color:black; background-color:white; padding:1px; } </css>n't controversial, it does<css> /*Written by Silent Penguin *Free to use under CC-BY-NC-SA *If you need to steal it, god help you. */ span.censtext{ text-color:black; background-color:black; padding:1px; } span.censtext:hover, span.censtext:focus{ text-color:black; background-color:white; padding:1px; }

</css>n't even exist!”
- gordon Brown|Political master

Controversy has plagued foot propaganda for years on end. There are two main sides<css> /*Written by Silent Penguin

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span.censtext{ text-color:black; background-color:black; padding:1px; } span.censtext:hover, span.censtext:focus{ text-color:black; background-color:white; padding:1px; } </css>, and one unimportant third side of the controversy that have been debating ever since the invention of the propaganda in the 60's.

Sympathizers, aka The Feet

Some people have felt the urge to support foot propaganda for no other apparent reason besides the voice in their heads that tell them "the British are coming"[3]. For this reason, half of the people who sympathize with the foot propaganda are in the loony bin or on heavy medication. The rest probably just smoke pot<css> /*Written by Silent Penguin

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span.censtext{ text-color:black; background-color:black; padding:1px; } span.censtext:hover, span.censtext:focus{ text-color:black; background-color:white; padding:1px; } </css> or are "different".

Hatemailers, aka Anti-Foot

"Don't go propagandin' my foot!"

The overwhelming un-majority-yet-still-not-minority of the people who take a stance on this issue are often against it. These people are often white, stupid, and fat. This may be associated with the fact that WalMart, the #1 american source of fat people, is against foot propaganda and pre-intalls their ideals into the fat people they make in their special factories.

Sometimes the hatemailers go violent, or at least to degree. Fights over who gets the bucket of fried chicken, which has somehow been manipulated to relate to this issue, occur on a daily basis, and often times people die of diabetes of violence and injury.


“We have a position on this issue aren't important!”

- loser|Moderates

We already told you that the moderates don't exist. Now shut up and go away!

==Other <css> /*Written by Silent Penguin

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span.censtext{ text-color:black; background-color:black; padding:1px; } span.censtext:hover, span.censtext:focus{ text-color:black; background-color:white; padding:1px; } </css>useless crap==

Foot Propaganda has united families for ages, according to a study[4]. Also, other <css> /*Written by Silent Penguin

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span.censtext{ text-color:black; background-color:black; padding:1px; } span.censtext:hover, span.censtext:focus{ text-color:black; background-color:white; padding:1px; } </css>unimportant facts have been released about the propaganda issue, including: potential tax increases, potential tax decreases, potential decreases in tax foot size, and burnt stumps of wood. Other sources also point to the idea that involving yourself probably does<css> /*Written by Silent Penguin

*Free to use under CC-BY-NC-SA
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span.censtext{ text-color:black; background-color:black; padding:1px; } span.censtext:hover, span.censtext:focus{ text-color:black; background-color:white; padding:1px; } </css>n't increase life expectancy, so you should get involved today!

Facts would lead us to believe that no animals were harmed in the making of foot propaganda, communist propaganda, or this article[5].


  1. Backed up by indisputable fact. maybe
  2. Or something like that. Seriously, who needs facts?
  3. Or so says one eye witness account
  4. Maybe, maybe not. Just forget about that and accept it as truth, ok?
  5. Now please don't sue.