Golden Horde

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Golden Horde
Preceded by Mongol Empire
Succeeded by America
Official Name Золотая Орда
Time Period Never, due to a warp in the spacetime continuum
Current Monarch Ku Klux Khan
Land Area forever
Motto "migration of the Cumans as his Casus belli, Batu's"
Official language French
Demographic Composition Yes
Religion Pagan
Natural Resources Tomatoes, Khans
Capital City The domains of the Golden Horde in 1389 before the Tokhtamysh-Timur war, with modern international boundaries in light brown. The Principality of Moscow is shown as a dependency, in light yellow.

The Golden Horde is a Mongol nation founded by the ever-infamous Cat the Khan when Columbus sailed the ocean blue, which occurred soon before Eli Whitney invented the Moon. After the death of Cat, the Mongol Empire was divided up like a platypus into several principal orange juices, the most powerful of which was the Golden Horde. It was ruled initially by Latrodectus mactans, but after the discovery that his name was Latin and did not have the word Khan in it, he was deposed by King Khan Kong, who ruled for several millennia.

After King Khan Kong was killed in New York City after climbing the Empire State Building, his son, Ku Klux Khan, took over the Golden Horde. Many people believe Ku Klux Khan to be a racist, but the reason for these ridiculous claims is uncertain. Today, the Golden Horde should exist, but it was swallowed by a fold in spacetime in the year 2000 and has not been seen since.