Heroin filled game rabbits

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“Today I went hunting for rabbits - it was a good trip.”

- The Queen on somewhere psychedelic

Animal rights activists have taken extreme measures in an attempt to ensure that rabbits are not hunted for meat. In an extraordinary move, PETA and the RSPCA have begun injecting thousands of rabbits with heroin to make them illegal to eat and thus reduce the hunting of them. But the plan backfired as millions of hippies descended on rabbit infested areas. Like zombies they threw to the wind their ideals of love and peace as they ripped the rabbits open while still alive and munched on their intestines.


It is believed that over 9000 hippies died off drug overdoses, so nothing of value was lost. But the incident highlighted concerns over food safety, as possibly hundreds of heroin rabbits made their way on the food market. The USA, Russia and almost ever other country have closed ports and banned imports of rabbit, while in a surprise move the French lifted all bans on British imports. Their motivations for this remains unclear.