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This article was written by celebrity guest writer Mr. M. Boosh, yo.

  This article is about Iraq, please do not shout otherwise you will be executed excited  
"Saddam, this is not the time for your rendition of 'Tambourine Man'".

Iraq is a smallish country where der is a war goin on and we fighting for liberty an justice an' shit like dat, lol.

National anthem

This iz da national
Anthem o iraq! BARK BARK BARK
Do eeh doo ehhh do eee do eee dooo deeee uh bu uh
Bu uh bu uh bu uh booo booooo boooooo

At the moment

We are fighting a huge war against those Iraqienz! They, like supporting world terrorism and shit like that. Stop it you lot!

I like the Scottish regiment out there, cos they get to wear kilts while shootin' lol, an shit like dat, lol. But, still if you get any Taliban in your hole then clean your hole out. With your finger. On a tree. Hole. B?


The Taliban and der muhadgedin are well cool! They have like turbanz on and dey like to shoot things and things like that well cool! I fancy them and I might aswell fancy myself seeing as a like ak47s. Liquid failure, ooooh pee.


dubble trubble.

World's view on Iraq

“We are not to bovvered yar? Got any male rent boys or summent? I'm Dutch!?”

- Dootch on being gay

“Where Saddam used to keep his CDs. Heh heh heh heh heh heh.”

- George Bush on on Iraq

Trouble for luvvle brubble OH PREE?