I know everything about fish

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File:Pet fish bobo.jpg
You gonna fuck with this fish? Didn't think so.

That's right! I know everything about fish! They kill people for fun. They shit in their water and then drink it. That's badass. I bet you're too pussy to do that, aren't cha? But fish aren't. Fish are vicious killers.


Look at the dolphin. It's the ultimate fish. It poses as a mammal, but then it sexes up everything. Like salmon badass ninja coral. Know what I'm saying?

Sharks are fags

Sharks aren't fish. They're fags dressed up as vicious killers. Fuckin' Jesus. It's true.

Fish will rule the world

Yeah. When the humans all get apocalypse'd and whatnot, fish will still be alive. They'll kill the roaches and take over. It's a fact! Look it up in the dictionary. Too bad you can't read. NEWFAG!

Allies of the fish

File:Burger icon.png
Hamburgers are allies of fish, too. So fuckin' eat 'em!

Fish have allies. Allies are friends that'll have your back in a fight.

The allies of fish are:

Enemies of the fish

Anybody who has allies has to have enemies. Otherwise, you'd have no need for allies. Are you stupid or something? Come on, quit being a newfag!

The enemies of fish include:

  • Eskimos
  • Sharks
  • Japanese people cause all they eat is fish and rice (Look it up! It's their way!)
  • That guy who played Will Smith on The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air

These people are douches who need to be fucked up with a bat. Take your bat and hit these fucks in the temple if you see them.

File:Baseball boy psycho.jpg
Fuck with the fish, and he fucks you. Your call.


Your mother has a fish odour. I'm currently investigating this.