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The Conspiracy

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Narrowly dodging some projectile hentai you splash your tea all across it's face. Eyes burning it draws back in agony - now's your chance! You swing the hook-ended rope around and around, before flinging it across the room where it sticks in the beast's neck. Bellowing in anger it charges at you, as you expected. You run up the side wall past the blinded monster and swing round the rope onto it's back. You thrust a fork deep into the back of it's head, twisting it around inside it for effect. The beast convults forwards, throwing you to the floor. Staggering around the monster appears to be in great pain. You seize the oppurtunity, within seconds 3 more forks are protruding from fresh wounds and an EDiot was laying unconsious, obviously having just been thrown at the behemoth; the giant is bleeding profusely. Lurching from side to side, it collapses, falling like a Canadian redwood in your direction. Ot oh.

Luckily it catches it's head on one of the few pieces of intact roof, decapitating itself as it falls. The monster has fallen, it's head landing in your hands dramaticly to much applause from the audience. Hooray!

A voice surfaces from behind you, malveolent you fear the worst:

'"You may have defeated tha loser, but you're no match for the likes of meeee!"

You needn't have worried, it's just one of the few remaining EDer's left. Snotty-nosed and clutching a laptop it's just some pathetic kid. You laugh heartily.
