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The Conspiracy

About Conspiracy -- Characters -- Your Gear -- Your Journal

You decide paying the congestion charge is for losers and look for the nearest bus.

Within two minutes, a bus arrives and you gratefully get on. Having just paid for your ticket you realise the inherent error you have made: it is the school leg of the journey. Needless to say there are pikeys everywhere, you groan.

The man who got on the bus after you asks the driver whether the bus goes to Orpington or not, but leaves disappointed. Which is good for you because it means one less stop to Illogicainen! You brush aside some demented cigarette smoking children, navigate your way round a 15 year-old girl giving birth and take a seat. The twat behid you decides that you have encroached too far into his territory and informs you to "Piss off wanker."

"Whatever man." (Move to the front of the bus)
"Your face!"
"And what if I don't?"
"Please don't kill me"
"Hi-Ya!" (Suplex that Gypo)