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The Conspiracy

About Conspiracy -- Characters -- Your Gear -- Your Journal

You and Testostereich head out of town and with a mighty heave fling the body into the grimy depths of a lake. The heavy bricks and excretion you tied it to ensure that it doesn't float back up. You each engage in a high-5 and turn to leave. A sound emerges from behind you.

This is just getting ridiculous!

You stop dead in your tracks, a lone bead of sweat trickling down your forehead; you and Testostereich turn slowly around, to see what exactly has happened, readying your paperclip to terminate any witnesses. But what you find staring back at you is no witness, not even a court attendant, it's a MONSTER!!!

Emerging from the lake, it looks at the pair of you angrily. It seems that Goshzilla is not amused. Within the blink of an eye he flings some slime at you, pinning you down to the ground with it's sticky nutritiousness. Testostereich runs off to have an emergency cup of tea.

The creature clearly didn't appreciate being bonked on the head by a human corpse and has come up, as typical with most things in this game, to kill you. Testostereich left you with his tea making kit when he ran off but aside from that you're pretty much unarmed.

Put the kettle on
Throw digestives at the monster
Strugle to break free