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The Conspiracy

About Conspiracy -- Characters -- Your Gear -- Your Journal

Beads of sweat run down your forehead as they charge at you en masse. You prime the paperclip and remain motionless as you aim your shot. You've got one chance here, get this wrong and your a /b/tard barbeque. You hold your fire as they come ever closer, waiting for the right moment. As soon as one of them reaches forward to grasp your coat you let loose the paperclip. With the speed of a really fast black dude on drugs doing the 100m race in the Olympics it zooms straight at the biggest gangliest chav, sticking out of their eye. He falls down onto the ground screaming in pain clutching his eye. Seeing the demise of their leader nearly all of the EDiots left collectively converge into one giant organism. The few that remain run upstairs and cower in fear. The behomoth standing before you tears off one of the structural support poles and brandishes it as a weapon.

Run up the wall and flip onto it's back.
Pull out your elastic band once again, reach into your pockets and pull out three small paperclips. They should take down this Goliath of a loser no problem.
Run to the back of the bus, swing on the pole at the end and kick it to the face.
Head upstairs in search of weapons.