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The Conspiracy

About Conspiracy -- Characters -- Your Gear -- Your Journal

You advance upon Santa, brandishing your hunk of glass as if it were a dagger. He tries to pull out a gun but you slash his hand open as he goes for his pocket. Wrything in pain Santa runs slap bang into his car. Picking up one of the car-parts that fell off when his face collided with it Santa runs at you swinging the axle with perfect accuracy. Never one to panic you sit down, cross your legs and pull out your lunchbox. Wait, wut?

Santa hurtles at roughly 20mph towards you, and you just sit there?!? Santa in only a few yards away from you now, ummm, you'd best do something. The split second Santa comes within striking distance you leap 10ft into the air above him, throwing part of your lunch onto the floor. What you did, in hindsight, was amazingly resourceful. Santa slipped on the banana skin just as you intended, skidding uncontrollably through the bonnet of the car. As Father C tries to pull him self out he finds that he can't; his beard is caught in the engine. You turn away as Santa is dragged slowly into the car's lethal machinery, ignoring his screaming. It's then that the car is overcome by the immmense forces of Jolly entering it and explodes, spraying bits of car and festive paedo everywhere.

You dust yourself down and make to leave, taking slow and purposeful steps. Only a few steps in you are rammed in the back and faceplant into some reindeer manure. Rudolph!
You navigate a 81433277865° flip, landing seamlessly in front of the reindeer. He looks at you as if to say "You wanna dance pretty boy?" This ain't over:

Go for Rudolph's throat with the glass
Pull out the elastic band and flick him in the eye
Suplex the big hunk of Chrimbo meat, aiming mainly for the privates
Grab Santa's discarded head (which after the explosion landed neatly at your feet) and beat the crap out of Rudolph, using the beard to hold on so you can swing his head around like a sock full of <heavyobject>