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The Conspiracy

About Conspiracy -- Characters -- Your Gear -- Your Journal

The can of whoop'ass had been shaken up in your bag and explodes with a huge bang, scorching Santie's face and destroying the taxi. You each get up, and stare at each other fom across the road. A terrified woman runs into a saloon.

Both of you are completely immobile, sizing each other up while Rudolph whistles the themetune to 'The Good The Bad And The Ugly'.

Reacting at the same time, both of you reach into your respective pockets for weapons. santa whips out a present gun, and some coal grenades. You pull out a few paperclips, an elastic band and, ...the bottom of your pocket. Ah. There could be a problem here.

Flick some paperclips at Santa using the elastic band
Smother him with the lining of your pocket
Taunt him about his weight
Duck randomly