Enter the Realm II

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  Enter the Realm -- Inventory -- Spells -- Grand Chambre Life Force: 3 Magic: 1 INVENTORY   You have no pack.

  • talk to sage

You talk to the sages.

The Sage of Logic speaks, who wears a great white robe.

"Fallen hero... we request that you assist us with the might you once had... no matter how weak or pathetic our summoning you here made you, we need your aid. A great terror hath befallen the Underground City of Terra. It is...

the Generic Dragon In The Forest That Kills You, whose name is actually Gestafo."

"Uh, what the hell? You just made that up, Jack,," says the Sage of Power, who glows an eerie, misty, red.

"That matters not, Quintin, for this is the grand hero. Grand hero... you must help us. You have to help us!" says the Sage of Might.

"Look, Jill, I'm the inquisitor." Says the Sage of Logic, and he braces to ask you. "Will you accept your quest... To destroy Gestafo?"