Interviewing Your Shmelf

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Hello, I'm here with Your Shmelf. Hello Mr. Shmelf, how are you doing?

Shmelf: Ummm.... A spoof of "Interviewing Your Shelf", which is a spoof of "Interviewing Yourself". Thats pretty uncreative.

Me: But I'm the creator so I can put what I want.

Shmelf: You're right. You can put what I say, but it's still a dumb article.

Me: Don't insult this article!

Shmelf: You're insulting your own article.

Me: True.

Shmelf: True.

Me: Yes.

Shmelf: I agree.

Me: So what are you doing these days?

Shmelf: Uhhh... Let's see... Oh yeah, I'm making bad spoofs of spoofs.

Me: Hmmm... I kind of agree... I kind of ruined the integrity of "Interviewing Your Shelf", and Interviewing Yourself".

Shmelf takes axe.

Me: Ok, thats just copying.

Shmelf: You're writing it.

Me: Damn! You're getting to my head!

Shmelf: No, you're getting to your own head.

Me: It's so confusing!!! WHY!!!

Shmelf: Hahahahahahah!!!!

Me: Don't laugh at me!

Shmelf: No, you're laughing at yourself.

Me: I give up. You're confusing me.

Shmelf: No, you're---

Me:Shut the fu---

Shmelf:You can't say that!!!

Me: YES I CAN I"M THE WRITER, SO SHUT THE <css> /*Written by Silent Penguin

*Free to use under CC-BY-NC-SA
*If you need to steal it, god help you.

span.censtext{ text-color:black; background-color:black; padding:1px; } span.censtext:hover, span.censtext:focus{ text-color:black; background-color:white; padding:1px; } </css>FUCK UP!!!!!

Shmelf: You're so mean to me.

Me: No, I'm mean to myself! HA! I win this time!

Shmelf: No, you're mean to yourshmelf.

Me: Ugh.... I give up.

Shmelf: I win!

Me: Exactly, I win.

Shmelf: It's sad that you're talking to youshmelf.

Me: What's so bad about talking your yourshmelf?

Shmelf: I give up.

Me: Wha?... No, I give up...I said it first.

Shmelf: Exactly, I give up.

Shmelf really takes an axe and seriously wants to kill me, but that's kind of like suicide when you think about it.

Shmelf kills....himshmelf.

DA END!!!!!!!!!!!!!!