Orange (colour)

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Orange is a mix of the colors red and yellow. What follows is a brief demonstration of orange.


At this point, many readers will still be having some difficulty with orange comprehension. The following diagram may help, but probably won't, because life is ultimately meaningless.


Hopefully the reader's ability to comprehend the color orange is now becoming gradually more acute. If not, please study Figure A until you lose the will to live.

Figure A:


At this point, the reader may be wondering, how orange can orange get? Well, the following visual aid may help the inquisitive student of orange learn the extent of orange's potential oranginess. The aid may also help the reader come to terms with the sad futility of existence.


The above has so far demonstrated the principles of simple orangeology. Complex and advanced orangeology deal with considerably more complex and advanced orangeology, respectively. Both complex and advanced orangeology can be illustrated by the illustration below, but are not, thanks largely to general incompetence and lack or any sort of purpose of life. As such, view the illustration below anyway, as I find it an amusing distraction from the cold emptiness of it all.


As the astute reader will have observed, orange. Orange, orange orange. Orange, orange? Oh, what's even the point? Orange.


I cry myself to sleep every night. Orange orange orange.

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Colours - Colors - Coolers