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Do you really think the point of writing on this site is just to show how funny you are? If you have a need to prove yourself as a standard comedian, please try another site.

Alternatively, simply add your humor to a new section of the article. Deleting someone's entire work is not in the spirit of even this, the most anarchic of wikis. SHEESH.

--The previous unsigned comment was left by Gregapan (talk), see the past frenzies page for posting time
Nice little rant, but may I point out this site isn't limited to unfunny stuff, I've been here a while, and the site seems to be what the user makes it. I personally wasn't trying to be funny, I was just bored and thought I'd hack at a shit article. Saying that, you told me off for deleting your work, which is fair enough, but then you went ahead and deleted mine.... :D --TReich (My Bad) 18:49, 5 Farbleum 2009 (UTC)