Talk:It's quiet now. I do not know how long we have...

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Interesting.--File:Sig.png (Talk) (Contributions) 04:20, 18 Octodest 2010 (UTC)

Oh, be quiet. I haven't gotten to the interesting part yet. <css>

.nou a{ color:#000000; } .nou a:hover{ text-decoration: none; } .new a{ color:#cc2200; } .new a:visited{ color:#a55858; } </css> ~ File:Pointy.png *shifty eyes* (talk) • (stalk) -- 20101018 - 04:49 (UTC)

No, it really is very interesting.--File:Sig.png (Talk) (Contributions) 21:40, 20 Octodest 2010 (UTC)
But I haven't even written it yet! *flails* <css>

.nou a{ color:#000000; } .nou a:hover{ text-decoration: none; } .new a{ color:#cc2200; } .new a:visited{ color:#a55858; } </css> ~ File:Pointy.png *shifty eyes* (talk) • (stalk) -- 20101021 - 17:10 (UTC)

Hams? HAH! You said hams! Presently not disGruntled - Exchange ideas 05:58, 8 Novelniver 2010 (UTC)
You have a problem with hams? Do you? DO YOU?! <css>

.nou a{ color:#000000; } .nou a:hover{ text-decoration: none; } .new a{ color:#cc2200; } .new a:visited{ color:#a55858; } </css> ~ File:Pointy.png AthyriaLyrithyaIsarra *shifty eyes* (categorise) • (create) • (upload) • (argue) • (dream) •(talk) • (stalk) • (block) • (acronyms)VFFFIIotMAotMTSROotPGSPRRWAMWAEQDVFDVitalAfC500TLA -- 8 Novelniver 2010 - 22:08 (UTC)

Only the kind that wants to eat us. Presently not disGruntled - Exchange ideas 22:35, 8 Novelniver 2010 (UTC)
Then how must you feel about vampiric peas? <css>

.nou a{ color:#000000; } .nou a:hover{ text-decoration: none; } .new a{ color:#cc2200; } .new a:visited{ color:#a55858; } </css> ~ File:Pointy.png AthyriaLyrithyaIsarra *shifty eyes* (categorise) • (create) • (upload) • (argue) • (dream) •(talk) • (stalk) • (block) • (acronyms)VFFFIIotMAotMTSROotPGSPRRWAMWAEQDVFDVitalAfC500TLA -- 8 Novelniver 2010 - 22:38 (UTC)

Neutral, completely. Presently not disGruntled - Exchange ideas 23:04, 8 Novelniver 2010 (UTC)
And cabbage? <css>

.nou a{ color:#000000; } .nou a:hover{ text-decoration: none; } .new a{ color:#cc2200; } .new a:visited{ color:#a55858; } </css> ~ File:Pointy.png AthyriaLyrithyaIsarra *shifty eyes* (categorise) • (create) • (upload) • (argue) • (dream) •(talk) • (stalk) • (block) • (acronyms)VFFFIIotMAotMTSROotPGSPRRWAMWAEQDVFDVitalAfC500TLA -- 9 Novelniver 2010 - 00:15 (UTC)

CABBAGE!! (Goes to look for some gluten-free crackers)simsilikesims 01:07, 9 Novelniver 2010 (UTC)
*goes all dreamy-eyed* Nice. <css>

.nou a{ color:#000000; } .nou a:hover{ text-decoration: none; } .new a{ color:#cc2200; } .new a:visited{ color:#a55858; } </css> ~ File:Pointy.png AthyriaLyrithyaIsarra *shifty eyes* (categorise) • (create) • (upload) • (argue) • (dream) •(talk) • (stalk) • (block) • (acronyms)VFFFIIotMAotMTSROotPGSPRRWAMWAEQDVFDVitalAfC500TLA -- 9 Novelniver 2010 - 01:21 (UTC)

This article simply refuses to leave my brainpan. Did you implant a virus, or do you have hypnotic powers? Release your hold on me, woman! We still haven't discussed what to do about the bats eating my legs yet. Shall we meet for galvanized nails? Presently not disGruntled - Exchange ideas 14:20, 11 Novelniver 2010 (UTC)
But I... haven't even gotten to the good part yet! Still!
Er... we could feed the bats to the enormous, fanged hams... <css>

.nou a{ color:#000000; } .nou a:hover{ text-decoration: none; } .new a{ color:#cc2200; } .new a:visited{ color:#a55858; } </css> ~ File:Pointy.png AthyriaLyrithyaIsarra *shifty eyes* (categorise) • (create) • (upload) • (argue) • (dream) •(talk) • (stalk) • (block) • (acronyms)VFFFIIotMAotMTSROotPGSPRRWAMWAEQDVFDVitalAfC500TLA -- 11 Novelniver 2010 - 20:21 (UTC)

Well write the good part, then! Jesus.--File:Sig.png (Talk) (Contributions) 21:15, 11 Novelniver 2010 (UTC)
Sorry, love. Can't be arsed. <css>

.nou a{ color:#000000; } .nou a:hover{ text-decoration: none; } .new a{ color:#cc2200; } .new a:visited{ color:#a55858; } </css> ~ File:Pointy.png AthyriaLyrithyaIsarra *shifty eyes* (categorise) • (create) • (upload) • (argue) • (dream) •(talk) • (stalk) • (block) • (acronyms)VFFFIIotMAotMTSROotPGSPRRWAMWAEQDVFDVitalAfC500TLA -- 11 Novelniver 2010 - 22:53 (UTC)


I nommed this thing for VFF, but everything went bat shit. I did post on the VFF thread on the boards. Presently not disGruntled - Exchange ideas 00:50, 12 Novelniver 2010 (UTC)

This thing ain't done. Also, to use the lil boxy things to make new pages, you need to remove the extra prefix from the address bar, hit enter, and then it works. <css>

.nou a{ color:#000000; } .nou a:hover{ text-decoration: none; } .new a{ color:#cc2200; } .new a:visited{ color:#a55858; } </css> ~ File:Pointy.png AthyriaLyrithyaIsarra *shifty eyes* (categorise) • (create) • (upload) • (argue) • (dream) •(talk) • (stalk) • (block) • (acronyms)VFFFIIotMAotMTSROotPGSPRRWAMWAEQDVFDVitalAfC500TLA -- 12 Novelniver 2010 - 01:35 (UTC)

Do I need to recite an incantation? Presently not disGruntled - Exchange ideas 01:41, 12 Novelniver 2010 (UTC)
No, you need to wait, along with everyone else, for something that ain't going to happen. To happen. Or something. <css>

.nou a{ color:#000000; } .nou a:hover{ text-decoration: none; } .new a{ color:#cc2200; } .new a:visited{ color:#a55858; } </css> ~ File:Pointy.png AthyriaLyrithyaIsarra *shifty eyes* (categorise) • (create) • (upload) • (argue) • (dream) •(talk) • (stalk) • (block) • (acronyms)VFFFIIotMAotMTSROotPGSPRRWAMWAEQDVFDVitalAfC500TLA -- 12 Novelniver 2010 - 02:57 (UTC)

About the incantation, I was referring to your instructions (Also, to use the lil boxy things to make new pages, you need to remove the extra prefix...). As for waiting, I'm fine with that. In fact, the thing I like about being here is having no responsibilities, other than contribute. I thought it was finished, but I'm no writer. Also, I wanted to mention, the whole post-apocalyptic thing brought me back to my scifi reading days. It was a pleasant recollection. Cheers! Presently not disGruntled - Exchange ideas 03:19, 12 Novelniver 2010 (UTC)
Ah, right. Guess that is a little needlessly complicated... huur.
I like that about here, too. And Uncyclopedia; I ain't got none there, either. It's all, like, wheeee! And I never get anything done anywhere, and everything is all dandy, and there are flowers and everything. Everything! AGH! *runs away, flailing*
You're not a writer? Are you sure? Anyway, I love apocalyptic nonsense, as you may have noticed. Yet to see a sci fi properly use hams, though. <css>

.nou a{ color:#000000; } .nou a:hover{ text-decoration: none; } .new a{ color:#cc2200; } .new a:visited{ color:#a55858; } </css> ~ File:Pointy.png AthyriaLyrithyaIsarra *shifty eyes* (categorise) • (create) • (upload) • (argue) • (dream) •(talk) • (stalk) • (block) • (acronyms)VFFFIIotMAotMTSROotPGSPRRWAMWAEQDVFDVitalAfC500TLA -- 12 Novelniver 2010 - 18:22 (UTC)

I daresay, the artful usage of hams is unique to scifi. Never before have we seen the likes of this. Or much of anything, I suppose. Presently not disGruntled - Exchange ideas 20:10, 12 Novelniver 2010 (UTC)
It didn't start out as science fiction, believe me. It started out as a thirteen-year-old trying to piece together the strangest string of words it could. Sadly, 'enormous fanged ham' was the best it could come up with... <css>

.nou a{ color:#000000; } .nou a:hover{ text-decoration: none; } .new a{ color:#cc2200; } .new a:visited{ color:#a55858; } </css> ~ File:Pointy.png AthyriaLyrithyaIsarra *shifty eyes* (categorise) • (create) • (upload) • (argue) • (dream) •(talk) • (stalk) • (block) • (acronyms)VFFFIIotMAotMTSROotPGSPRRWAMWAEQDVFDVitalAfC500TLA -- 14 Novelniver 2010 - 07:06 (UTC)

Och! I believe the Enormous Fanged Hams article must be written. Furthermore, I am going to plant it in my box of doggie poops, to see what happens. It might be interesting to have two of these articles popped onto an ambiguation page. I am curious; why a 13 year old? Phantom Spaceman, out! Presently not disGruntled - Exchange ideas 20:34, 14 Novelniver 2010 (UTC)
Now this should be good... I await it eagerly. By which I mean, of course, I'll probably have completely forgotten about this five minutes from now. Er... <css>

.nou a{ color:#000000; } .nou a:hover{ text-decoration: none; } .new a{ color:#cc2200; } .new a:visited{ color:#a55858; } </css> ~ File:Pointy.png AthyriaLyrithyaIsarra *shifty eyes* (categorise) • (create) • (upload) • (argue) • (dream) •(talk) • (stalk) • (block) • (acronyms)VFFFIIotMAotMTSROotPGSPRRWAMWAEQDVFDVitalAfC500TLA -- 14 Novelniver 2010 - 22:03 (UTC) This is what I've got so far. No guarantee as to whether this will in any way resemble the final product, if any. This would be the unauthorized, as opposed to the authorized version. Must keep our records tidy. Presently not disGruntled - Exchange ideas 22:32, 14 Novelniver 2010 (UTC)

The image

The image rules! Other spinoffs you may consider are

  1. Apocalypse Ham
  2. Last Ham On The Left
  3. Ham On Elm Street
  4. 2001: A Hams Odyssey
  5. Green Eggs And Horror
  6. General Gaos Chicken, with ham on the side (homemade... mmmmm!)
  7. The Witch, The Wardrobe And The Ham
  8. My Wife Broke My Concentration, And Ruined This List (with ham)

Good luck, and godspeed! Presently not disGruntled - Exchange ideas 20:58, 12 Novelniver 2010 (UTC)

I have the feeling none of these are ever going to get started...--File:Sig.png (Talk) (Contributions) 21:51, 12 Novelniver 2010 (UTC)
It's probably for the best... Presently not disGruntled - Exchange ideas 22:12, 12 Novelniver 2010 (UTC)
Probably. *shifty eyes* <css>

.nou a{ color:#000000; } .nou a:hover{ text-decoration: none; } .new a{ color:#cc2200; } .new a:visited{ color:#a55858; } </css> ~ File:Pointy.png AthyriaLyrithyaIsarra *shifty eyes* (categorise) • (create) • (upload) • (argue) • (dream) •(talk) • (stalk) • (block) • (acronyms)VFFFIIotMAotMTSROotPGSPRRWAMWAEQDVFDVitalAfC500TLA -- 14 Novelniver 2010 - 07:06 (UTC)

I so love this article. Presently not disGruntled - Exchange ideas 08:45, 14 Novelniver 2010 (UTC)
*beams* <css>

.nou a{ color:#000000; } .nou a:hover{ text-decoration: none; } .new a{ color:#cc2200; } .new a:visited{ color:#a55858; } </css> ~ File:Pointy.png AthyriaLyrithyaIsarra *shifty eyes* (categorise) • (create) • (upload) • (argue) • (dream) •(talk) • (stalk) • (block) • (acronyms)VFFFIIotMAotMTSROotPGSPRRWAMWAEQDVFDVitalAfC500TLA -- 14 Novelniver 2010 - 15:59 (UTC)

*squints, belches* Presently not disGruntled - Exchange ideas 20:25, 14 Novelniver 2010 (UTC)


Man. These things are actually gonna appear. Oh well, it isn't as bad as this pointless nom. Meh, uhh, whatever.--Teh Chicken Magnate, The Honorable Colonel Sanders 22:41, 14 Novelniver 2010 (UTC)

Well, now that's just odd. <css>

.nou a{ color:#000000; } .nou a:hover{ text-decoration: none; } .new a{ color:#cc2200; } .new a:visited{ color:#a55858; } </css> ~ File:Pointy.png AthyriaLyrithyaIsarra *shifty eyes* (categorise) • (create) • (upload) • (argue) • (dream) •(talk) • (stalk) • (block) • (acronyms)VFFFIIotMAotMTSROotPGSPRRWAMWAEQDVFDVitalAfC500TLA -- 14 Novelniver 2010 - 23:39 (UTC)

Wait, was that one actually nominated? <css>

.nou a{ color:#000000; } .nou a:hover{ text-decoration: none; } .new a{ color:#cc2200; } .new a:visited{ color:#a55858; } </css> ~ File:Pointy.png AthyriaLyrithyaIsarra *shifty eyes* (categorise) • (create) • (upload) • (argue) • (dream) •(talk) • (stalk) • (block) • (acronyms)VFFFIIotMAotMTSROotPGSPRRWAMWAEQDVFDVitalAfC500TLA -- 15 Novelniver 2010 - 01:50 (UTC)


Can you review Life EULA?

--The previous unsigned comment was left by Gomphog (talk), see the past frenzies page for posting time
Er... strange place to be asking... if you're asking me, my talkpage would be better, and sorry, love... I really couldn't. I looked at the review stuff here, and I just have no idea how to work it, let alone what does and does not work in a place like this... a review from me would just be useless.
And if you meant someone else, well... either way, user talk would probably work better, and please remember to sign. <css>

.nou a{ color:#000000; } .nou a:hover{ text-decoration: none; } .new a{ color:#cc2200; } .new a:visited{ color:#a55858; } </css>~ File:Pointy.png 22:54, 16 Ditzimber 2010