Things You Didn't Know

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  • You are an idiot.
  • The reason Superman can fly is a rare effect of a large intake of LSD.
  • The Mole People want to be your friends.
  • Flashlights are powered by fireflies taken hostage by the Man.
  • PS3 is a scam by the Aliens to make us waste money.
  • Spiderman uses a high concentrate of Krazy Glue to make his webs.
  • It IS possible to sweat Gatorade.
  • This article is a pigment of your imagination.
  • I am right behind you...
  • Osama Bin Laden is currently hiding in Argentina with Hitler.
  • The last digit in pi is 4.
  • Will Smith is NOT legend.
  • Peesmell smells like pee!
  • Mississippi is spelled with a Q.
  • Your neighbor is a crack dealer.
  • In the southern U.S.A. they have a special word for electricity, Magic.
  • I discovered America.
  • Clowns are evil devil-spawns.
  • America>England
  • Cheese and crackers is the best mid-day snack.
  • Slovakia was behind 9/11.
  • Dick Cheney didn't think he was a deer...
  • Chuck Norris sailed the 7 seas; 8 times.
  • Not even Soulja Boy knows how to Superman a hoe.
  • I am the creator of this article.
  • Lighting is a result of clouds testing their nuclear bombs.
  • The reason that Atlantis is under water is because a wanted man is using it as a hideout.
  • I can ride my bike with no handlebars.
  • I am fluent in Jibberish.
  • You can't handle the truth, but I can.
  • Dracula sucked someone's blood from Africa and now he has AIDS.
  • O.J. did it.
  • I've counted to infinity.
  • I know where Waldo is.
  • It's not delivery, it's Digiorno.
  • This is the last fact of this article.