User talk:Lollipop

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Welcome to ?pedia! Hope you enjoy your stay. Please leave your nouns in the locker room
(behind the the door marked "LOLCHEESE")

So anyway, this is a pseudo-official greeting from a user who may or may not be a admin/sysop/werewolf, so here come the obligatory links to pages to help you out and tell you "Don't be teh vandal kthx":

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So, that's it all for now... Please be nice, make great articles and help contribute to our community in any way possible: e.g. template making, voting for articles or users, et cetera.

~ The Illogicopedia Welcoming Committee


- on The Illogicopedia Community on welcoming new members

Oh, and I'm the one who put 'TROLLEY DOLLEY' on your Uncyc userpage. To the 3, to the nine, to the 655! All hail the island monkey of the century, Special Cases! File:Monkey-butler.jpg Island Monkey - Throw a banana 15:02, 29 Arche 2011 (UTC)

I've had worse guy named Ifti went further to making a hate page on me. --Care for a lick? Lollipop Care for a lick? 00:37, 12 Arply 2011 (UTC)


Hello and welcome to Illogicopedia. If you have any questions, don't be afraid to ask.

And remember: the more random, the better. Mars Cadbury 16:40, 12 Arply 2011 (UTC)

Hi, Lollipop!

Hope you would of remembered me. I'm doing fine without uncyc! Not missing anything....

* sigh * - Another n00b 14:57, 4 Aym 2011 (UTC)

Chill, N00bert. I would help you be unbanned, but that would leave me as banned too. Sorry. You can be an Illogic. At least here we have our own domain. --Care for a lick? Lollipop Care for a lick? 00:32, 6 Aym 2011 (UTC)
I enjoy being here. You know, you should make some IllogiGames. I'm still a lurker on uncyc, watching some posts. But otherwise, I'm here a lot now. Who needs UN?? Has my kind of humour. - Another n00b 11:42, 7 Aym 2011 (UTC)
I'm here taking a vacation from Uncyc for a week. An admin named Ljlego decided to come back from the dead and has taken over the wiki. Oh yeah, and i'm a rollback there now. --Care for a lick? Lollipop Care for a lick? 04:04, 9 Aym 2011 (UTC)
Rollback? The lazy man's undo button?? " Ooh! look, Instead of having to go over and press the "Undo" button and then save it, I only have to click on a button and it reverts your ass!!" NOBODY CARES!! I mean, it is no different from the undo button. What is the point of it? - Another n00b 15:51, 9 Aym 2011 (UTC)
Nyah Nyah. I'm not banned on Uncyclopedia...and you're not! I know you miss the place. I know you want your barn owl sig and to be talking to Magic man and Mimo and everyone. Luckily here, you have Aleister, Lyrithya, Romartus, fellow Uncyc prisoner Gomphog, and me. --Care for a lick? Lollipop Care for a lick? 21:55, 9 Aym 2011 (UTC)

You should make moar games!!

I decided to have a look at how 2012 II is getting along, and I think it is getting along fine. And you know how Uncyclopedia "games" portal is dead now? Illogicopedia has It's own version, I think you should make a game or two on it. Maybe a modern sequel to GOD 82? Like "GOD <- Insert near-future year here -->. Because, I think that Uncyc/Illogi Games are kind of in there own little canon universe, in which outdated text-adventures where the height of fashion, kind of like in Fallout 3 and Homestar Runner where out-of-date technology was still in use. Does this mean I have no life, by making up stories from wiki content? I think so, but never mind. You don't have to, but just a suggestion. - Another n00b 15:13, 11 Aym 2011 (UTC)


This wiki is strange --Frosty 08:34, 14 Aym 2011 (UTC)

Fat man ambling down a burning grove; he needs to paint the roots black or it won't come out right. What does he eat? Is that strange? <css>

.nou a{ color:#000000; } .nou a:hover{ text-decoration: none; } .new a{ color:#cc2200; } .new a:visited{ color:#a55858; } </css>~ File:Pointy.png 08:54, 14 Aym 2011