User:Mars Cadbury

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This is Illogicopedia. The jokes are accidental.
This is Illogicopedia. The jokes are accidental.
This is Illogicopedia. The jokes are accidental.
This is Illogicopedia. The jokes are accidental.
This is Illogicopedia. The jokes are accidental.
This is Illogicopedia. The jokes are accidental.
This is Illogicopedia. The jokes are accidental.

Mars Cadbury, workaholic.

Mars Cadbury is an editor for Uncyclopedia Illogica.


Editing style

Mars Cadbury specializes in writing short pages filled with typos and grammatical errors. He is also prone to breaking templates, ruining perfectly good pages by adding massive amounts of boring nonsense, spamming links, and crying like a baby whenever anyone edits one of his precious articles.

On constructive criticism

Mars Cadbury thinks that whatever he writes is flawless and will try to shout down anyone who dares to think otherwise.




To do list

Featured Illogicopedian


This user is a winner of the Illogicopedian of the Month award.

(See other winners)