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“Starbucks takes all my muny

Starbucks takes all my muny
Starbucks takes all my muny

Man that junk ain't fun E”
- KJ-52 getting down with his bad self.[1]


I am going to put screen on wall, so clocks will stop melting into my soup. I WANT CANDYS!!

Electric cars need to plug in to the way things are Internet now. That way, our brains will turn green .Green brains are smarter!!

The banana in the logo is getting old we should make banana bread out of it. And feed it to the zombies so they'll stop eating our Going Green Brains!

but if I could only find my COFFEES, the missing TOFFEES wouldn't be such a huge concern. They would get the miners out into outer space all right, and stuff those Fraggles back down into the mine with the hobbits and the dragons and you and me baby ain't nothing but mammals so let's do it like they do on Richard Dawkin's birthday yes.

Miners in Chile should watch where they are playing on a PSP while the world is watching them on Candied Camera I WANT CANDYS!!!!

Sugar is addictive. Like crystal meth but worse for your teeth. More like crustal sugar.

Superman has crystals! I bet if he were real he could save the Chile miners and we wouldn't have to endure this gruelling TV watching of the event all day. I don't even have a TV but I know superman will find a way to be real. Cause he's superman and superman always wins. PWNAGE.

By the way, the coffees come in many shapes, sizes and varieties apparently. You can get regular, decaf, expresso, mocha froca choca latte with whipped cream and little sprinkles and even a non-coffee related fruit smoothie if you want. Democracy! Oh the Choices!!!!!

Socrates hated Democracy. He said Democrats were poopy. Republicrats would probably agree.

I bet if Socrates were real he would ask the Chile miners lots of questions like, "How the hell did you get stuck down there?" and stuff.

Eww, stuck down there. Must have beeen a Freudian slip. I bet if Freud were real he would try to explain the Chile miners situation sexually.

Kant would say we should only pull the miners out if we should all be spending all our time pulling miners out of holes in Chile all the time with no other activities going on anywhere else on the planet. Kant. What a funny name. Kant. I bet you Kant even pronounce that. It's Pronounced forty-Two!!!!!

Last but not least we should turn the Vietnam war into a gameshow.