Banana bread

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“I'm banana born and bread”

- Phrubub on , knowing the banana

Banana bread is so called because it breeds bananas. Yes, that's right - it's where baby bananas come from, regardless of what your mother tells you about the 'stork'. In actual fact, Stork is a really crummy butter substitute that should only be used by tramps.

When banana bread and banana tomatoes breed, they create bonanoes, a special pink fruit used in place of bananas (and sometimes pineapples) only in emergency.

See also

Things that are Bananas

BONJOOK, The Banana God
Banana | Bananas | Banala | Chocolate bananas | The evil one | Butter milk cow banana
Bananaman | Banana man | People going Bananas | The Banana is eeble sonk | Bananuh
Bananaphone | Banana bread | Banana Peel | All you need to know on Bananas
Banana dissection | Bananaslicing | Ba+Na² | Banana pudding
Banana Gun | Scythe banana | Diskosherist | The man from U.N.C.Y.C.L.O.P.E.D.I.A
Truth About Bananas | Banana surfing | Fanged bananas
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