
From Uncyclopedia test II
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Person #1: Guess What?
Person #2: What?
Person #1: Yes.
Person #2: What?
Person #1: You got it!
Person #2: Huh?
Person #1: You lost it.
Person #2: Lost what?
Person #1: Exactly.
Person #2: I hate you.
Person #3: logically know probabilities.
Person #4: Slow down time.
Person #5: Why would I want to do that?
Person #6: I think you know why.
Person #1: Hey, what happened to me?
Person #2: What about me.
Person #8: Abscond legally when you research cold fusion and silver.
Person #11: Freely walk down the boulevard when you whistle lightly and abscond gently but mercilessly.
Person #12: OK. raff reeezy.

So... Just what is "what"?

"Dunno, I asked you."
"No, that's not it..."
"huh am i talking to myself"
i am thinking now
"I'm talking again"