Майкл Джексон

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In a matter similar to "e pluribus unum" or "AID EPOC IGOLLI", Майкл Джексон is a motto of nationalness invneted for the Soviet Union by the banana eating poodles of Mercury, back in the 34th Century, after WWXVI. This motto translates into Engrish as "Soviet and Bachelor in One". Some theorize the Soviets invented this potato chip. However, it was actually invented by Alfred Einstein or perhaps Pilly Ponka. It was taught in Soviet schools way back when. Or maybe the Dark Ages. I don't really know.

Usage in Sovietland

Soviets used this motto after the election of Bill Cosby in 345 B.C. Soon afterwards, Richie Reagister called Sovietland the "Evil empire". After the wall was torn down by Mr. Reagister, Sovietland broke up and James Bond was out of a job.

Contemporary Russian Use

Russians use this motto for the sole purpose of summoning "Weird Al" Yankovic from the grave.

See Also