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- Dr Evil on on a sugar rush

EEEEEEEVVVVVVVVVVVVIIIIIIIILLLLLLLLLLL! is the last word of a small boy as he was crushed to death by his hero, Evil Kinevil, who was driving a ten ton truck at the time. Now, you might ask "what the hellk was Evel Kinevil doing in a ten ton truck?" Well, grab a chair and I'll tell you.

Kinevil, in his twilight years, had all but lost his money and sense. In one last, heroic jump, he would clear the sum of twenty six hobos and a small boy in a ten ton Yorkie (this is definitely not product placement) truck. Kinevil cleared most of the hobos but landed on a small boy. It is thought the kid survived for just long enough to scream "EEEEEEEVVVVVVVVVVVVIIIIIIIILLLLLLLLLLL!" before he breathed his last.

Some other hobos were killed but that doesn't matter, because who cares about stupid hobos anyway? I'm sick of buying Big Issues and heck no, I don't have any spare change.


Quick poem

And this ebony bird beguiling
My sad fancy into smiling
Wrought its ghost upon the floor
Quoth the big fat stupid raven... "Nevermore"!

Mein Fuhrer?