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File:Lolwut.jpg  This article is not about particularly anything, in other words, it's random
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File:Hump dance.gif
iCarly is a big fat party animal.

iCarly is a union of people from Apple Computers trying to shut down Microsoft and kill Bill Gates with a magical web show that can alter reality. It was invented in 19777 and has been around for over 34454635 years.


It was first thought of in 2009 when people were waiting for Obama. It was not revived and made until 19777 by Apple Computers CEO Miranda Cosgrove. It was made with magic from Marry Poppins's hair and a bit of gasoline. It was extra powerful with meat from a Krabby Patty. It has not yet penitrated the evil forcefield of Microsoft and Bill Gates. Homer Simpson, the chairman of Apple says this will work in "DOH! 3 DOH! YEARS!", right after he was done picking up the chairs. The plan was processed over 65674767676 times and no success.

In 22001122, iCarly sponsered Armogedden #12345678 on their webcast with a special called "WE'RE GONNA DIE, AGAIN?!?!?!?!?111111ONEONE!!!!!111!!!?????". This introduced the Four Horsemen with a special interview called "The Masters of Death (cOLD mOLD)". This is the complete interview:


This resulted in the burning of the studio which caused the entire hotel to burn down. Bill Gates finally got his revenge, and Apple got sued for a fine of $197773445463520091977765674767676.

iCarly is not your friend.

Post Mortem Adventures

The ghosts of the cast members however lived on and haunted their funeral. What they saw was enexplainable:


Encyclopædia Dramatica was then sued for the creation of Offended and were sued for $197773445463520091977765674767676197773445463520091977765674767676 (twice the ammount of Apple.)

So far, 4chan has remained untouched by the wrath of iCarly, but recent research has proven that it is only a matter of time before the bio-tech engineers over at Apple find a way to crack the codes and crunch the numbers.

The Invisible Man

The Invisible Man was a pretty cool guy in the beginning, but then he went all crazy and started killing people.

In the end of it all it turned out that Claude Rains was dead the whole time.

But will it blend?

Mash them together and see for yourself.

File:Dancing Cat.gif
iCarly hates people, but loves cats.

Wrapped in plastic

  • Laura Palmer.
  • Expensive furniture.


It is made up of magic from Mary Poppins's hair and gas, boring humor and orange juice. It is a win-win combination except for Gates and Microsoft. It is being further researched and developed with fairy godparents. Gates pays $3,456,775,556,476,876,7865,454,546,765,446,436,653,676,857,699,998,769,867 a year for this project. He hates this since that is 0.00001% of his yearly paycheck.

Not to be confused with

  • iPod
  • iPhone
  • iPad
  • iCloud

See Also