IllogiZoo:Glow-in-the-Dark Dragon

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The Glow-in-the-Dark Dragon is a lizard that is bigger than a booger that was bigger than a badger. Hey, that's funny!

Glow-in-the-Dark Dragon
File:Glowing dragon1.PNG
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Kingdom Animalia
Phylum Chordata
Class Sauropsida
Order Dinosauria
Family Draconaie
Genus 'Draco'
Species ''D. Glowusdarkus''
Binomial Name
Draco glowusdarkus


It is believed that the Glowing Dragon was made by the Anarchists in 1980. However, his ear is too big to have been seen in the streets of New York, so he must have been made in Canada. Whether he was made in the foothills of Quebec or in Toronto remains unknown to innocent passerby. However, we know that the government is planning our demise! Never trust them when they are dealing with Chinese Dragons or something that glows. Never!

File:Glowing dragon1.PNG
The dragon. Scary thing!

Now, what was I saying? Ah, yes. The dragon could have been made when Queen Latifah farted and out came a dragon. Too bad she didn't feel it and later had a seizure. Many people could not believe the circumstances. Gah! Now the dragon is supposedly made in China because that is where cheap plastic things are made. Is the dragon plastic? The world may never know. Neither that or what the real answer to 2+2 is.

Habitat and Diet

The Dragon is said to have been found in the bottom of the river dead but then he ate a floating fish and came back to life!!!!1!11!!111! Now local plumbers believe he sleeps in the tree tops and burns water, but civilians think that his nose is too big to do such a thing. He also lives in Texas. That means that he has a gun and you are going to get shot.

When the dragon is hungry he often resorts to barfing and eating the barf. How delicious! How could you have something better than that. The dragon can, because he thinks that broccoli tastes good and he loves it! How nasty! I think I will puke my intestines out now. *barf*


The Dragon is seen being a model when he is in New York. He gets so addicted to modeling that he has to strangle cats and eat them instead of his broccoli. That made me sad and I had to tell my mommy and she kicked me. I still have the bruise today.