Quotes of Levitation

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“Oh, I'm sorry, my horse seems to have wandered through your bedroom window, I will rectify this situation immediately.”

- Lady Godiva on before falling out of said person's window

“I will now use the power of my mind-freek, as if fueled by some special MIND-FREEK JUICE to levitate my body 300 feet in the air.”

- Criss Angel on flying!

“I would like to have sex with children.”

- A severly speech-impeded heterosexual man on prior to his arrest

“That wasn't about levitation!”

- Pedantic on being a pedant

“It is how I do it...”

- A severely speech-impeded heterosexual man on talking about his jobs in prison but instead relpying to the above quote through sheer coincidence

“I'm flying without wingggggs”

- The Westlife Bird on before dying in a river a few hundred feet below

“That's hot!”

- The Paris Hilton Volcano on on encasing children in lava


- Pedant on being overloaded

“I am flying.”

- A cannonball on flying

“Thats levitation Holmes”

- Jack Black on explaining the power of flight

“(Really high pitched voice) Hang on that wasn't laughing gas, thats was Helium!! Holisht

- Kid dabbling with drugs on upon discovery of his levitational side affect because of his accidental helium overdose

“Quick men, colonise that bird corpse!”

- Fungus on hoping to control the bird corpse much like humans would an aeroplane

“Wakka wakka wa!”

- A thing that goes wakka wakka wa on which looks sorta like an ostrich, a flightless bird, therefore at least referring to levitation


- A Pedant on 's corpse