Why HelloolleH deserves a medal

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Create a medal for awesomeness! Then give it to HelloolleH!!

Why should said awesome super-cool man-God be medalised?

  • If you give him a medal elves will give you sex
  • If you give him a medal he will give you sex
  • If you give him a medal spoon will give you sex
  • If you give him a medal you will instantly become sexy
  • If you give him a medal all the Africans will suddenly decide they arn't hungry anymore
  • If you give him a medal Rod Stewart will shake you hand...and give you sex
  • If you give him a medal Steve Irwin will un-die
  • If you give him a medal you will be able to understand animals, who in turn will give you sex
  • If you give him a medal he will release your family unharmed
  • If you give him a medal your family will give you sex
  • If you give him a medal India will vanish to reveal in its place a really big...uhh...umm...crater?
  • If you give him a medal he will stop with these crappy reasons
  • If you give him a medal he will lick your bum (unless he already did as part of the second reason)
  • If you give him a medal you WILL become superman
  • If you give him a medal he will buy you beer...sexy beer!
  • If you give him a medal Jesus will rise up and smite loads of helpless orphans
  • If you give him a medal your penis/boobs/both will grow by loads
  • If you give him a medal something something whatever etc bla bla bla yap yap medal yadda yadda

Plus the medal will give you sex.